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Media Forget Dissent Was Encouraged During Bush Years

• Newsbusters
As so-called journalists negatively depict town hall meeting protesters as an organized angry mob (or worse!), they seem to forget how throughout most of this decade while George W. Bush was president dissent was quite encouraged. As an example, try to guess who said this in 2003? I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.

4 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Lucky Red, you telling me to get a life?

Cause like if you know where I can get one for cheap let me know.

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Nope.  You totally don't get it.  This is not about criticizing dissent, this is about critizing hypocrisy. 

The very same element that is now so enraged and so patriotic and so gongho and so militant and so self-righteous are the very same element who cheered Bush into war, the same ones that justified and defended everything he did when he was robbing, raping and ridiculing the entire country, these were the same one that couldn't get enough of his criminal behavior.  So, now, all of a sudden, they don't like that which they cheered for not too long ago.  And simply because they stand for anything and everything that is good, decent and moral, they have to make sure that they screw the rest of us just to be spiteful and to satisfy their hateful need.  The only thing they want is to see Obama fail so that they claim that black people aren't fit to command.

Get a life!  Your stupidity, racism and hatred is showing! 

And, yeah, they're all manipulated morons who can't even tell that they're strings are being pulled.  They would deserve it if they weren't dragging the rest of the country down in their delirium. 

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Nope, I don't think you get it.  The problem here is not criticizing dissent, what's being criticized here is the hypocrisy, pure and simple.  These same whack jobs who are now so patriotic and so enraged and so brave and so zealous and so ready to change the world are the very same assholes who not only cheered for Bush, adored him for going to war but defended him for robbing, raping and ridiculing us and could find no fault with him.  See, that's the problem!  If they could find nothing wrong with Bush, how dare they try this shit now, particularly, when this is a problem that concerns the entire population of this country.

And, yeah, this not dissent, this just reform resistance and orchestrated outrage.  Get a life people, your phoniness is showing!



Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

I disagree quite entirely. Dissent was quite brave during the Bush years, particularly just post-9/11 when half the nation went on a blind, patriotic fury.

ALL of the news networks hopped on board, not just FoxNews. Dissent was our purview and a fragment of the far-radical-antiwar left. THERE WERE NO ANTI BUSH OR ANTIWAR VIOCES IN THE MSM POST-9/11. It was hard to find an audible anti-Bush voice in your neighborhood or in shops. Most of the nation was blind and paralyzed into perpetual knee-jerk patriotism.

Plus we were very much aware of the whole "homeland stupidity" response. Very concerned as it was. And quite well justified as it turns out.

This article is pure partisan amnesia.
