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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Real American Rants about the Economy

A must-see American original rants about the economy while demolishing a computer. (mature language)

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Sorry guys, I just can't stop myself. I'm inspired by this man.

What we need him to do is a series of self-help books dealing with self-esteem, fatherhood skills and how to get along with your spouse. I'm seeing appearences on Oprah, articles in Better Homes And Gardens, the works. Maybe a talk show with Dr. Drew, who knows? The possibilities are endless. We have just GOT to get this guy signed.  I don't care what he wants, give it to him.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

Yup, I watched it again and it's just sublime. Here's every marketer in the land telling us why they have credibility. Why bother with what the customer believes in when you can make him fear for his life if he contradicts you? And if they do, you haul all of their consumer electronics into their garage, suspend them from the ceiling and beat the snot out of them until they beg you to stop. It's a classic business model with a contemporary twist.

The man is a genius.

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

OK, who'd have though he'd wrap it up with a commercial endorsement?

All across America, in every board room, executives are asking themselves "can we get this guy? He's good."

Yup, I want this guy to pitch my web development services. I want it just the same. Beat the living snot out of a computer monitor hanging from the garage ceiling, rant and rave about Obama and at the end say "for expert software development and online marketing services, call Oyate. Operators are standing by now." The calls should just come flooding in.

All I can think to ask is "why didn't I think of this sooner?"

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

I remember this guy. He did this video where he snuck into his neighbor's garage and smashed up everything that was made in China.

I think it's probably prudent, if you see this guy coming, to lock the garage and just leave town for a day or so.

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

The ending is the best part. He is sooooo going to jail.
