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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

2024-05-09 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Dr Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) MP3

Dr Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) provides an update on Trump; show trials, MSM, culture, etc...
Media Type: Audio • Time: 287 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Phranq Tamburri, ,

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 287 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Phranq Tamburri, ,


Front page of Freedom's Phoenix (player only active when we are live, and it's located under Roberts & Roberts Banner ad)


1 - Dr Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) provides an update on Trump; show trials, MSM, culture, etc...

Phranq's previous interviews with Ernest HERE



Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD

Prostate & Naturopathic Specialist

Dr. Tamburri specializes in the assessment of prostate cancer and its numerous treatment options. Anyone who has found themselves thrust into the 'world' of PSA screening, biopsy, and a prostate cancer diagnoses recognizes how incredibly confusing and often conflicting the solutions are.

With over a decade of clinical experience and training both as a naturopathic physician and at an early residency that included training with Mayo certified urologists, Dr. Tamburri is uniquely qualified to interpret and consult what both 'sides' of medicine are telling the patient.

He also is the only integrative physician utilizing the state of the art color Doppler ultrasound (TRUSP) to accurately image the prostate along with providing the PCA3 molecular prostate cancer urine test for a heightened assessment. Dr. Tamburri graduated in 2001 from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. He has been professor of urology at his Alma Mater since 2002.

He is a member of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association. He can also be regularly seen and heard on television, radio, and as a professional lecturer on the continuing debate of PSA screening and prostate cancer options.

(480) 767-7119


Phranq's previous interviews HERE


1. President Trump to Address Libertarian Party Concerns at National Convention May 25th

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Washington, D.C., May 1, 2024 — The Libertarian National Party, the Party of Principle, announced today that President Donald J. Trump has responded to an invitation, and challenge, from the Libertarian Party to speak at its National Convention, and directly address concerns voiced by its members. President Trump will speak on Saturday, May 25th, in Washington, D.C.

Members of the Libertarian Party will share a list of their top ten issues with President Trump in advance of the convention, hoping to make an impact on the policy positions of a past, and possibly future, President.

Angela McArdle states, "For 50 years, we've been trying to get our candidates on the main stage with major party POTUS candidates and we've finally succeeded in bringing one to our stage. We will do everything in our power to use this incredible opportunity to advance the message of liberty."

"Libertarians are some of the most independent and thoughtful thinkers in our Country, and I am honored to join them in Washington, DC, later this month," said President Trump. "We must all work together to help advance freedom and liberty for every American, and a second Trump Administration will achieve that goal. I look forward to speaking at the Libertarian Event, which will be attended by many of my great friends. We all have to remember that our goal is to defeat the Worst President in the History of the United States, BY FAR, Crooked Joe Biden. If Libertarians join me and the Republican Party, where we have many Libertarian views, the election won't even be close. We cannot have another four years of death, destruction, and incompetence. WE WILL WORK TOGETHER AND WIN!"

The theme for the 2024 Libertarian National Convention is "Become Ungovernable." This was chosen following the previous years of unconscionable authoritarian actions by the United States Federal, and State governments, which saw citizens confined, indoctrinated, lied to, and inoculated against their will. The citizens of these United States must become ungovernable to regain their basic rights and freedoms. This year's convention will welcome world-renowned speakers, activists, and thinkers, as well as decide the Libertarian presidential candidate for the 2024 election cycle. There is no greater collection, nor community, of freedom, liberty, and independently-minded people.

Speakers confirmed thus far for the Convention include: President Donald J. Trump, cardiologist and epidemiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, filmmaker, and brother of Julian Assange, Gabriel Shipton, "Part of the Problem Host," Dave Smith, freedom advocate, historian and Bitcoin futurist, Robert Breedlove, and Jo Anne and Mark Skousen, longtime liberty activists, founders of Freedom Fest and the Anthem LIbertarian Film Festival. More speakers will be confirmed in the coming months.

For those interested in attending or sponsoring this historic, and transformative event with thousands of like-minded individuals, Convention registration and application for press coverage are available at:

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Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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