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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
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2024-02-20 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Chris Hampton and Luke Denis (United Freedom Party) MP3&4

Chris Hampton and Luke Denis (United Freedom Party/ come on the show to create some valuable content for the world seeking freedom, virtue, and truth. Also, Chris and Luke are authors of The Freedom Handbook
Media Type: Audio • Time: 63 Minutes and 14 Secs
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Media Type: Audio • Time: 113 Minutes and 0 Secs
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Media Type: Audio • Time: 63 Minutes and 14 Secs
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1 - Chris Hampton and Luke Denis (United Freedom Party/ come on the show to create some valuable content for the world seeking freedom, virtue, and truth. Also, Chris and Luke are authors of The Freedom Handbook



Chris Hampton and Luke Denis

United Freedom Party


Video and interviews are published to our YouTube account here:


Chris Hampton:

SHORT: Chris Hampton is a curious generalist, a pragmatic optimist of the highest order, a faithful, passionate, artist, athlete, co-author of The Freedom Handbook, senior freelance copywriter, and co-founder of the United Freedom Party of Alberta.

LONG: Chris Hampton builds bridges - between ideas, and people - relishing the intersections between creativity and knowledge, thought, and action. Driven by the relentless curiosity of a consummate generalist, he's fascinated with the connections between, and inner working, of all things. Compassionate, yet fierce and tenacious, Chris' a strong ally to virtue and a formidable enemy of arbitrary and oppressive rule. 

Working daily to realize our potential, Chris brings ideas and directness to all his interactions. Possessing a unique and unyielding vision of change, he's consistently focused on motivating others to both realize their dreams and unchain humanity. Bright and passionate, Chris is the biggest kind of dreamer and builder and has devoted his life to the ideas of education and freedom – like Voltairine de Cleyre believing with every beat of his heart that ""This is the time to boldly say, "Yes, I believe in the displacement of this system of injustice by a just one; I believe in the end of starvation, exposure, and the crimes caused by them; I believe in the human soul regnant over all laws which man has made or will make; I believe there is no peace now, and there will never be peace, so long as one rules over another; I believe in the total disintegration and dissolution of the principle and practice of (*tyranical) authority."

Together Luke and Chris wrote The Freedom Handbook and then founded Incite Insight, a global think tank dedicated to unleashing human potential. They want to help you stir up a deeper understanding of the world we live in. They want for you to discover your own problem solving potential and most of all, to help us change the world for the better. That's why they published their book, built Incite Insight, and recently co-founded the United Freedom Party in Alberta, found at Freedom is a party .com.

Luke Denis:

SHORT: Luke Denis is an outspoken, successful, self-made man, and father of two grown children, who has dedicated his life to speaking truth; and fighting for freedom.
Luke also co-authored a large book entitled: The Freedom Handbook, and recently co-founded the United Freedom Party of Alberta, found at Freedom is a

LONG: Luke married his highschool sweetheart and they have two terrific children together. Although he's a self-made, highly successful entrepreneur and visionary, Luke firmly believes that it's much more important to understand where someone wants to go in life, rather than where they've been. In this way Luke wants to help build a world where human potential is freed and we live free from tyranny, oppression and authority; where personal accountability is paramount and people have stopped forcing their will on one another.

He has an especial interest in technology and human potential - feeling that the rightful inheritance of human accomplishment is unjustly held hostage by the ruling class. He leads a private life and respects everyone's right to choose all elements of our own lives, provided these choices cause no harm to others.

Luke's surprisingly calm, except when it comes to arbitrary authority or harm being done to his fellow human family. He's a strong, vibrant human being full of curiosity, optimism and care for the world around him. Although, he's careful to draw the distinction between a helping hand and a hand-out.

Luke's the kind of person who stands for what he believes in, walks the walk he talks and isn't afraid to stand up to the ruling class and autocratic authority in all forms. Luke is tough, honest, a big dreamer and a capable visionary, he's also a big supporter of other people's dreams and capacity. Luke cares deeply about his fellow human family.


The Platform


1. A Doable, Fresh Vision for Freedom

They say we have NO VISION on the right. True, but only lately. Thankfully, historically, this is only temporary.

Freedom is on the march! Again. Arm in arm with our community, family, love for God, and our neighbours.

Necessity invents extraordinary leaps for humanity. Rarely, joyfully, this happens continuously over time.

Truth, and life, are simple. And just as new roads have familiar moments, we understand, this is the only story we've ever told.

2. Fixing Freedom: How to UnF**k Canada | Luke Denis and Chris Hampton

Government corruption. State sponsored media. Rampant immigration. Unaffordable living costs. The attack upon the energy sector. Manufactured food shortages. The woke.

The problems facing our country seem at times overwhelming. For those of us in the older generations, we are also left wondering how our country, a nation founded on freedom and respect for people's rights, could have fallen so far.

But people are pushing back. Victories in our courts are being won. Not as often as we would like, and not always for the reasons we would like, but victories nonetheless. People are sharing the truth both online and in person, despite censorship. And more and more Canadians are showing that they've had enough of the lies, the coercions, and the leftist narratives.

Some are running for office in an attempt to rebalance the political scales, and others have started new political parties, feeling that the existing conservative parties have fallen too far from the values they were elected to uphold to be saved.

I've interviewed a number of founders and leaders of new conservative parties, from Maxime Bernier to Pastor Art Pawlowski, current political leaders, to past Canadian Conservative politicians such as Preston Manning and Brian Peckford. All are well intentioned and truly believe that government exists to serve the people.

But none have given as much thought to the problems facing our country as my guests today.

Luke Denis and Chris Hampton are the founders of the United Freedom Party of Alberta. They are also the authors of the book The Freedom Handbook, published in 2017.


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 113 Minutes and 0 Secs
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Hour 2 Video

1 - Chris Hampton and Luke Denis (United Freedom Party/ come on the show to create some valuable content for the world seeking freedom, virtue, and truth. Also, Chris and Luke are authors of The Freedom Handbook



Chris Hampton and Luke Denis

United Freedom Party


Video and interviews are published to our YouTube account here:

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