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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

2024-02-13 -- Ernest Hancock interviews James Patrick (Planet Lockdown; Nitrogen 2000) PART 2 (MP3&4

James Patrick (Planet Lockdown; Nitrogen 2000) comes on the show to talk about the farmer rebellion in the E.U., Ireland, etc...; update on his projects, etc...(since we had technical issues during our interview with Patrick, he is back on for Part 2
Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 2 Secs
Guests: James Patrick, ,

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 2 Secs
Guests: James Patrick, ,


Front page of Freedom's Phoenix (player only active when we are live, and it's located under Roberts & Roberts Banner ad)


1 - James Patrick (Planet Lockdown; Nitrogen 2000) comes on the show to talk about the farmer rebellion in the E.U., Ireland, etc...; update on his projects, etc...(since we had technical issues during our interview with Patrick, he is back on for Part 2)

James's previous interview with Ernest HERE



James Patrick

Director of Planet Lockdown -

James Patrick is an economist, investigator and film director originally from Washington DC. He has authored several books and directed the international documentary shot in 9 countries on the covid saga, Planet Lockdown. It is available in 17 languages on (

He is now focusing on the struggle faced by the Dutch cattle farmers against their own government that is seeking to force buy out half of their land, consisting of a third of the territory of Holland.  All under the banner that Nitrogen is pollution.

James Patrick's expertise is in shining light on the big picture of where we find ourselves today in a chaotic world gone mad. You can find his latest work on BigPicture.Watch, where he produces full interviews with dignitaries around the world, as well as short and long format documentary films. His work equips people with information to help the world stay free.

The film premiered on BRANDNEWTUBE.COM on January 15th, 2022.

Full Interviews HERE



From the director of Planet Lockdown, James Patrick

The Great Taking Film

I am working with David Webb, author of The Great Taking, to produce a feature length documentary film based on his book. As an investigator and independent filmmaker with a background in economics, when I saw saw him present at a conference, I understood the implications. We decided to work on a film together. Please consider supporting this effort to expose the hard reality of this enormous threat. For the first time in history, humanity has the real prospect of overcoming divide-and-rule. This can be done by spreading awareness that we are all in this together, globally, all the way to the top of the system! This film will help people to see the BIG PICTURE!

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Death By A Thousand Cuts: The Irish Farmers Struggle

Help us fund Death by 1000 Cuts, a documentary about the Irish farmers struggle. It's imperative this film gets out as soon as possible to raise awareness. Target: $23,500
Reached so far: $7,350

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CBDC: The End of Money

Central Bank Digital Currencies are being pushed worldwide by central banks and governments. Are we witnessing the natural evolution of money in the digital age, as many say, or does this innovation represent more of a system of controlling people rather than a new form of money? Does the public benefit from having their every transaction monitored? Is the innovation of "programmable money" a good thing?  If money transforms into a programmable indelible ledger, micromanaged by centralized institutions on the planet, can it truly be considered money? Please donate to the production of this important film. Running time is 45 minutes. Target: $85,000
Reached so far: $76,650

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Silent Infertility: A Documentary on Fertility & the Jabs

Women around the world are experiencing massive menstrual problems after taking the C vaccination. Massive hemoragin, premature menopaus, This is a huge story that many are afraid to tell. Big Picture heard of a group of women in France called Where is my Period and decided to produce a 30 minute piece to let their story be told. We interviewed Melodie, their lawyer, their expert gynecologist and filmed some of the testimonies of the brave women who got injured by the shot and choose to speak up to make sure it doesn't happen to other women. Target: $150,000
Reached so far: $18,873

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Remembering America - a documentary

Small town America used to be considered the ideal of what it meant to be American. All but forgotten by the media, and underappreciated by the city dwellers, the backbone and beauty of our country lies in it's small towns and the culture and values they bring to life. Remembering America visits the towns and regions of the country once cherished as the core of what made the country what it is. The film lets the viewer Remember America for the wonderful qualities and values it has. The film is scored by talented musicians from various regions of the country that allow the viewer to appreciate the beauty charm of where they are from.

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What Happened at School? A 90 minute Documentary

Fund What Happened at School a 90 minute film about the madness kids have faced at school these last three years. From masks, to testing, isolation, humiliation and gender dysphoria. This film tells the stories of kids who've had their childhoods robbed from them. Target: $320,000
Reached so far: $74,002

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Propose an Interview

Propose & Fund an Interview of your choice with a scholar, scientist, lawyer, politician, philosopher or an otherwise insightful person! It will than become apart of the Big Picture Interview Series. It costs $200 to open a file upon approval by our team. This will open a page on the site that everyone can see and fund as well and we will start to contact the subject. Once the funding hits the $2500 cost to do the interview, it will go into production! This is your chance to make your voice heard by helping produce high quality content to help us all better understand the world, where we are at and where we are going.

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Propose a 5-minute Film

Propose & Fund a 5 Minute News Segment: Interested in learning more about a particular story that isn't being covered by the mainstream press? Now you can propose and fund your own story. For $300 you can propose and start a crowd funding campaign that others can help fund as well and once the budget is covered, production will begin! Budget amount $7500

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Propose a 20 Minute Film

Propose & Fund a 20 Minute News Segment: Interested in learning more about a particular story that isn't being covered by the mainstream press? Now you can propose and fund your own story. For $300 you can propose and start a crowd funding campaign that others can help fund as well and once the budget is covered, production will begin! Budget amount $22000 This is an average price. Once the film is proposed and approved, a first budget will be made and listed on the listing

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Propose a 90-minute Film

Propose & Fund a 90-minute Documentary this is a short description. Cost of Feature Length Documentary Film is $250,000 - $350,000 For $500 you can start a documentary film campaign for others to fund as well. Once the film is approved for posting we will come up with a budget in the above cost range and once the film is funded 75% it starts production!

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Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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