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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

09-16-20 -- How To Steal an Election... How They/Them/Those have Been Stealing Elections - MP3

Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update. How They/Them/Those have Been Stealing Elections - LIVE
Media Type: Audio • Time: 117 Minutes and 6 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,
Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,
Topics: Vote Fraud
Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,
Topics: Vote Fraud

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 117 Minutes and 6 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,


Hour 1-3 - Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update & How TheyThemThose Steal Elections


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Hour 1

Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update


Hour 2

Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,
Topics: Vote Fraud

Hour 2 - Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update & How They ThemThose Steal Elections



Hour 2

Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update


Topics Discussed and Referenced on the Show:

Votescam: The Stealing of America 

Paperback – December 15, 1992

by James M. Collier (Author), Kenneth F. Collier (Author)

"Votescam" by James and Kenneth Collier recounts a fascinating and daring investigative reporting project - to figure out how the American voting system works. How can the outcome of elections be predicted so accurately by "exit polls," and how are the votes counted so fast? Why is so much of the process secret?

This is the weirdest, wildest, and most astonishing nonfiction detective story of the 1990s, an explosive investigation that tracks down, confronts, and names the Establishment crooks who elegantly steal the American vote for their own profit. It comes face to face with a Supreme Court justice who rigged a vote fraud case; the most powerful female publisher in America, who won't let her newspapers and TV stations deal with vote-rigging; and a cast of politicians, computer wizards, professors, lawyers, newspeople, aristocrats, CIA operatives, outraged citizens, conspiracy buffs, and crusaders involved in a scandal of unthinkable dimensions.

Hour 3

Guests: Ernest Hancock, ,
Topics: Vote Fraud

Hour 3 - Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update & How They ThemThose Steal Elections



Hour 3

Ernest goes over the Freedom's Phoenix Headline and Top Tech News; LOVE Bus Liberty Tour update & How They ThemThose Steal Elections


Topics and References on the show:

1. Voter Fraud a Risk This Election

Monday, 06 November 2000 12:00 AM

The one federal law enforcement official entrusted with the duty to investigate and prosecute vote fraud is someone who has not just failed to do so in the past but who has in fact covered up such vote fraud. Her name is Janet Reno.

Still available in print is a book by Jim and Ken Collier entitled "Votescam: The Stealing of America." Recounted therein, among other true tales, are the efforts of the Collier brothers to alert then Dade County (Florida) State Attorney Janet Reno to computer vote fraud here.

They found bogus ballots in boxes and took the ballots to Reno. She had them arrested for (get this) stealing government property. Every first-semester law student knows there is no crime if there is no criminal intent. Taking evidence proving a crime directly to a prosecutor is not a crime; it is grounds for receiving the key to the city. Reno thought and acted otherwise.

Reno dragged out the prosecution of the Colliers for two years to bankrupt and discredit them, and on the eve of the trial in which the complicity of her and her office would be proven, she dropped the charges.

In another instance, Reno's female assistant at the Justice Department journeyed back to Hialeah, Florida, to work in the campaign for Raul Martinez for Mayor. Reno's assistant was caught falsifying absentee ballots! Florida's electoral votes may be the key to who wins the White House. There is a history of electronic vote fraud here. The last election for Mayor of Miami was thrown out because of vote fraud. Reno's apparatus is still fully in place here. It works.

2. Janet Reno Asks for Statewide Recount in Florida Primary

Published September 13, 2002 -- Last Update January 13, 2015

MIAMI – Janet Reno asked for a statewide, manual recount Friday of all votes in Florida's bungled gubernatorial primary as Miami-Dade County officials continued finding hundreds, if not thousands, of votes that went uncounted.

The former atttorney general said she asked the state Elections Canvassing Commission "to determine the expressed will of the voters" and to "ensure that the votes of all Democrats in the state who voted in the primary would be counted."

On Thursday, Tampa lawyer Bill McBride declared victory with an unofficial lead of about 8,000 votes out of 1.3 million cast in Tuesday's Democratic primary. But Reno refused to concede, saying there were discrepancies in at least 80 Miami-Dade precincts.

At stake between Reno and McBride is the right to run against Republican Gov. Jeb Bush.

McBride spokesman Alan Stonecipher said the McBride campaign has not decided whether to oppose a recount.

"We tried to stay on the high road and let all of the processes work," he said. "We'll just take it step by step. We don't know what it means."

The commission was scheduled to meet Friday to take up the question of ordering any recounts.

In Tuesday's balloting, some poll workers never showed up. Some polling places opened late, and some closed too early. Brand-new touchscreen voting machines malfunctioned. And optical scanners shredded ballots.

Then, over the past few days, Miami-Dade election officials began finding large numbers of uncounted votes that had apparently not been properly downloaded from the computerized voting machines by poll workers.

The debacle came after a $32 million overhaul of Florida's election system to prevent the kind of mess that happened during the 2000 White House race.

On Friday, Bush sent letters to election officials in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, demanding written explanations by Thursday on what went wrong and what they will do to make sure it doesn't happen again. He stopped short of asking for the election officials' removal.

CLICK HERE for the rest of the article


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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