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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

02-05-19 -- Paul Rosenberg = New Monetary Order -- (MP3s & VIDEO's LOADED)

Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on the subscriber-based Parellel Society February Newsletter Issue: 'Forging a New Monetary Order' -
Media Type: Audio • Time: 147 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Paul Rosenberg
Media Type: Audio • Time: 88 Minutes and 53 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 147 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Paul Rosenberg

Hour 1 - Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on the subscriber-based Parellel Society February Newsletter Issue: 'Forging a New Monetary Order'

Hour 2-3 - Ernest goes over the headlines on Freedom's Phoenix and talks about the news of the day, tech and space travel news, Anarchapulco, future, etc...

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

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Freedom's Phoenix
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February 5th, 2019

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

Paul Rosenberg

Freeman's Perspective


Paul Rosenberg knows a lot about a lot of things. A lifestyle capitalist with a broad range of interests and experiences under his belt, current passions include philosophy, theology, history, psychology, and physics. This diverse interest base is reflected in his extensive repertoire of published titles, including A Lodging of Wayfaring MenThe Words of the Founders, and Production Versus Plunder, not to mention 55 engineering and construction books.

Prior to this, his highly successful engineering career saw him called as an expert witness in numerous legal cases and recruited as a consultant to a number of high profile organizations, such as NASA and the US military. He developed and taught 19 continuing education courses for Iowa State University's College of Engineering. He also co-founded the Fiber Optic Association and wrote the first ever standard for the installation of fiber optic cables.

Paul Rosenberg has been featured on or at:

Project To Restore America

Casey Research

Zero Hedge



The Daily Paul

Early to Rise

Story Leak

Expat World

International Man

The Burning Platform

Global Wealth Protection

Freedom Fest


Freedom's Phoenix



Paul's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Paul comes on the show to discuss the re-naming of his subscriber-based newsletter to Parallel Society, providing a more outward focus and his hope for the future...Paul discusses his latest issue: Forging a New Monetary Order


Paul's recent articles:


Return Engagements (Book One) PART 11… in which my pursuers confront me

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on February 2, 2019

Robert and James got to Mankato at around noon, took their driver's phone number for the return trip, checked into the hotel, cleaned up, and lay down on their beds. After a while, they took their prayer position and spoke quietly. "James, I think it's just one person now, do you agree?"


The Untold Story of the Greatest Crypto Project Ever – PART 3

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 31, 2019

I am convinced that the reason Bitcoin survived isn't that it withstood the attacks of its enemies, but because it withstood the foolishness of its friends. Our project survived long enough to reach its goals only because of people who held to their principles, defended them against foolishness, and above all, worked hard to keep things moving forward.


How to Defend Yourself from Ugly Stereotypes

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 29, 2019

This bit of advice applies to absolutely anyone who is being judged for variables outside their control. It was inspired by the kerfuffle surrounding the Gillette commercial. Whatever your take on that video, it's clear that the debate around it is far more encompassing than the video itself. In the States at least, there has [...]


Return Engagements (Book One) PART 10… in which I recover

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 26, 2019

"Westward" brought Michael Burroughs to Rochester, Minnesota, and there to a stop. He exited the Interstate highway and meandered through the city, stopping at a grocery store to pick up some fruit, nuts, bread, and cheese. Then he headed out of town on Highway 14, going in whatever direction he felt a pull. He stopped as he crossed the Straight River (which wasn't), got out of the car, sat on the bank, and finished his grocery store lunch. Then he took a walk and stumbled upon a long-abandoned mill.


The Untold Story of the Greatest Crypto Project Ever – PART 2

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 24, 2019

For someone who wanted to build a new world functioning privately and honestly, protected by cryptography, our base in San Jose, Costa Rica, was almost a dream… and more than any of us dreamed, probably. The investment tour was in early 1996, by my best guess. And it was a couple of years before the base was really set up; physical infrastructure …


Why "Conspiracy Theory" Is Hate Speech

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 22, 2019

"Hate speech" of course is a fairly silly term, since intent doesn't necessarily follow the literal meaning of words. Let me give you an example: I once sold a house to a gay couple. The one of the pair I dealt with happened to be a really decent guy with a good sense of humor. [...]


Return Engagements (Book One) PART 9… in which I burn out

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 19, 2019

Picking up from Part 8, in which I waited for my companion and guide to die… leaving me stranded. The farther I drove, the more I relaxed, and that was proving to be problematic. For one thing, I was half-drunk and seriously worn out by the day's events. For another, I'd been pushing thoughts out [...]


The Untold Story of the Greatest Crypto Project Ever – PART 1

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 17, 2019

While what we did wasn't entirely hidden, it was only partly public. And for reasons that will become clear as we go, no one on the inside has wanted to talk about it until now. While these people didn't do much that was actually illegal (at least so far as I know), none of them wanted any "special attention" from the powers that be.


The Two Crypto Economies

by FREEMANSPERSPECTIVE on January 15, 2019

Bitcoin has always been hard to understand. Even Satoshi, its author, complained about that. The problem isn't so much its complexity, but its newness – there's really almost nothing to compare it to. Having nothing to compare to is also a problem related to the prices of Bitcoin and the other cryptos. We've never seen [...]

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 88 Minutes and 53 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 2 - Ernest Hancock goes over the Headline News on Freedom's Phoenix


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'


Hour 2

Ernest Hancock

Ernest goes over the headlines on Freedom's Phoenix and talks about the news of the day, tech and space travel news, Anarchapulco, future, etc...


Hour 3

Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 3 - Ernest Hancock goes over the Headline News on Freedom's Phoenix


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'


Hour 3

Ernest Hancock

Ernest goes over the headlines on Freedom's Phoenix and talks about the news of the day, tech and space travel news, Anarchapulco, future, etc...


Author: 'Pirates were the millennials of the 18th century'

02-05-2019 •

If entrepreneurs are looking to bring more socially conscious policies to their companies, they may just want to try to "be more pirate," author Sam Conniff Allende recently told Yahoo Finance's "On the Move."

While many of us may have grown up watching the roguish, Captain Jack Sparrow in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, Allende said many people don't realize that pirates implemented "very dynamic and innovative organizational structures."

Instead of having a stratified pay system like that of today, in which CEOs earn roughly 300 times more than average employees, pirates had a more equitable structure in place, Allende said.

"Pirates were the millennials of the 18th century, average age 28. And they were escaping this really stratified and quite brutal system," Allende said. "The Royal Navy was the biggest employer in the UK, certainly, at the time and then the Merchant Navy."

Much like many millennials challenging the status quo in the workplace today, Allende said pirates denounced unfair pay in the shipping industry.

"After the 2008-2009 financial collapse, one of the key recommendations was about checking the disproportionate rate at which CEO salaries were going up, because it helped build this volatility," he said. "The pirates had this down. There was an upper and lower threshold."

Allende pointed to historical documents that show that the captain and the doctor on board the pirate ship only made about "two to three times" what the other pirates were making.

"There was transparency all across. There was no gender pay gap with pirates. In fact, there was fair pay across ethnicity, and diversity, and gender," Allende said. "There were all sorts of innovations taking place. [It was] the first time we saw workplace compensation. If you were to lose a leg on board our ship, that'll be 800 pieces of eight for you, 600 pieces of eight for an arm, and a 850 for an eye."

Allende explained that ultimately the pirate system — albeit illegal — was a "form of democracy that hadn't been seen in the world at that point," including as checks and balances.

"To have an accountable set of leaders, who were responsive to the team's demand, knowing that any moment they could be deposed by the team, made them more representative and fully democratic than even Athenian democracy, which we point to for like the pure form of democracy, because really then it was only the white blokes who had the vote. And that was only a third of society."

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BE MORE PIRATE: Or How To Take On The World And Win (Book by Sam Conniff Allende)

02-05-2019 • Be More Pirate - Sam Conniff Allende



Pirates didn't just break the rules, they rewrote them. They didn't just reject society, they reinvented it. They didn't just tell tall tales, they told a story that shook the whole world. Pirates didn't just challenge the status-quo, they changed everyfuckingthing.

An overlooked generation faced a self-interested establishment, certain uncertainty, a broken system and industrial scale redundancy and disruption (sound familiar?) so they turned pirate and rebelled against an unfair world and changed it for good.

Be More Pirate draws parallels between the strategy and innovation of legends like Henry Morgan and Blackbeard with modern rebels, like Elon Musk, Malala and Blockchain, and reveals how to harness and apply their tactics to life and work today, and tomorrow. Whatever your challenges, ideas or ambitions, Be More Pirate will give you long-term solutions in a short-term world.

Get First Chapter for Free


Be More Pirate has been developed through being delivered as talks and workshops to audiences around the world, from social entrepreneurs in the townships of South Africa to senior executives at Facebook and Google, from the start ups reinvigorating Athens to the social innovators of Baltimore, Chicago and Detroit. 

If you'd like to talk about booking a Be More Pirate talk or workshop, contact visit

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