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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

01-17-19 -- Matthew Raymer - Dr Phranq Tamburri - Davi Barker - Tone Vays (MP3s/VIDEO's)

Matthew Raymer ( on content publishing, offering top tier publishing security and deplatforming action plans - Dr Phranq Tamburri gives The Trump Report
Media Type: Audio • Time: 230 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Matthew Raymer
Media Type: Audio • Time: 170 Minutes and 0 Secs

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 230 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Matthew Raymer

Hour 1 - Matthew Raymer ( on content publishing, offering top tier publishing security and deplatforming action plans

Hour 2 - Freedom's Phoenix Headline News; Dr Phranq Tamburri gives The Trump Report

Hour 3 - Dr Phranq Tamburri gives The Trump Report

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'


Feature Article  •  Global Edition
Freedom's Phoenix
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January 17th, 2019

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

Matthew Raymer

Contact Matthew:



Upload Once.
Publish Far and Wide.

You have a content-driven business.
You upload your videos and MP3s to Content Safe.
Your video and audio content gets published where you want, when you want, growing your audience.
More eyes and ears on your work means more subscribers and more paying clients.
Spend less time uploading to all those places.
Spend more time making killer content that makes you the money.

How It Works

You sign up, you upload your video or audio content to the place you normally upload to, you choose where and when it gets published. ContentSafe will make sure your videos and audios get uploaded where you want, when you want. Take a look at our Starter Plan here if you publish twice a week, and you want to have your work published on 5 channels of your choice.

Some of you have a business where you make content every day. You upload to the platform you usually use for publishing once, and every day your content gets published to 5 other channels that you select. Check out our Advanced Plan here.

ContentSafe also offers top tier publishing security and deplatforming action plans. In addition to publishing your daily content on up to 10 channels, we protect your content from censorship, keeping your message flowing to your audience.

If you ever get a video or a whole channel removed from YouTube, iTunes, or most other private platforms, we can always be ready to get your content or an alternate channel back up and running. We can keep your content safely stored for as long as you want. Check out our Fortress Plan here.

ContentSafe is happy to make custom plans to suit your content-driven business, and we make it real easy for you to spread your message and boost your numbers. Schedule a Strategy Session for free 15 minutes.

Your content simultaneously will be published on multiple platforms, getting more eyes and ears on your work, helping you reaching a bigger share of the market, and all without you ever being required to spend time uploading to each site. We do it for you!

Are you at risk of being deplatformed?

Content publishing drives your business, makes you money, and gets you the leads you need to succeed. What if your content vanishes, how costly and time consuming is it for you to replatform yourself on other publishing and payment platforms?

Your free guide gives you 5 ways to secure your content on channels that resist censorship, while boosting your message to a bigger audience to convert into subscribers and clients.

Stop leaving money on the table, get the guide here.

The Challenges for Content Producers

To deplatform someone is the removal of her access to a channel which is delivering her messages to an audience. Deplatforming may involve not only banning a user or discontinuing her service, but also a removal of any existing content a user previously has created on the site or service. This event of denial of content is an even bigger disaster upon being deplatformed. It hits you in the pocket book by you having your payment platform refuse to do business with you.


or $2,115 / 5 years

monthly bandwidth & storage

You sign up, and you pick which platforms you want to publish on, and you when you want you video or audio published there.

You upload your content to YouTube or whatever place you usually upload to. You provide Content Safe with the needed API keys and credentials to allow us to publish your content where you want it to go.

Content Publishing on 5 channels, you choose the platform, the timing of publication up to 2 times a week.


or $1697 / 5 years

monthly bandwidth & storage

You upload your content to YouTube or whatever place you usually upload to. You provide Content Safe with the needed API keys and credentials to allow us to publish your content where you want it to go.

Your content is uploaded to 5 different channels on the platforms of your choice, 7 days a week, published at the time of your choosing.


or $4,365 / 5 years

monthly bandwidth & storage

You upload your content to YouTube or whatever place you usually upload to. You provide Content Safe with the needed API keys and credentials to allow us to publish your content where you want it to go.

Your content is uploaded to 10 channels on the platforms of your choice every day.

We create a Replatforming Services Plan in case of problems with censorship and video or content removal problems. We take actions to make sure your channel or alternate channels are regularly receiving your content.

Interference Alerts - We monitor your channels to see if they are being interrupted or if content is being censored.

Shadowban Testing- Do your videos show up in searches? We keep watch over your channels looking for shadow-banning.

Not sure what you need? Set up a Strategy Call HERE

A La Carte Platform Services

We offer many alternative options for domain, hosting, email marketing, publishing and payment platforms; any of which can be added to your packaged subscription. Off-line storage options are also available. A la carte pricing is graduated based on the amount of data being stored or uploaded.

To work with us please schedule a Strategy Call. We'll give you a free 30 minute strategy session which will help you plan the package most suitable to your particular content-driven business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you guys, and why should I trust you with my content-driven business?

Hi, I'm Matthew Raymer, owner of Anomalist Design LLC, a company delivering professional software development services since 2007. We've been building web and back office systems, doing business with companies such as Peace of Mind Marketing, EggKids, QPons, Football IQ, and The Symbolic World.

I myself am an avid consumer of podcasts like The Symbolic World; What on Earth Is Happening; The Boiler Room; and Twentieth Century Wire and of video channels such as Jordan Peterson's.

I back up my stuff myself on the cloud for free. What's the difference between that and how you store my content?

You can cloud store and publish for free, yes. Our service is here to automate the publishing process for you; and to offer restoration of content services; all without you having to attending to it yourself. Just upload your content as you normally would do, and we'll take care of the rest.

What is "Seed Storage", and how is that different from the cloud storage services I use right now?

Seeding refers to the use of Bittorrent protocol to distribute your content directly to users of bittorrent clients.

How do I access the content you back up for me?

As part of our lower tier services, you provide us with the necessary access credentials to an account in your control and we take care of the upload process. In that way, you always have access to your content.

I publish on a few places. Why should I bother having my content on all these other platforms?

As the expression goes, "Better Safe than Sorry". Many content creators had thought that their distribution platforms have been enough but found their materials removed without notice from major platforms.

If your content is only on a few platforms and pages, you are leaving money on the table by not having your video and audio in front of more audiences who want to know about you and your work. These new audiences will be willing to pay you to obtain the services you provide.

What is shadowbanning, and how does it affect my content-driven business?

Shadowbanning is an act which partiall or fully blocks a user or his content from use by an online community, making it so that a user will not readily be able to see that he has been blocked.

This making a user's content invisible or less prominent to other members of the service, the aim might be—there being an absence of reactions to a user's comments—for the blocked user to become disheartened and so leave the forum.

Why should I hire you guys to do what my webmaster does for me right now?

We're certain your webmaster does a super job managing your content, but would you rather she spend her time working with your content creation (extracting short clips, video editing, etc.) rather than administrative tasks of account management, file uploading, and watching the online presence of your content.




Software Design, Development and Consultancy

Matthew Raymer - Chief Technical Officer


We are a software development team that provides tools and expertise to enable your company to grow and use needed resources in areas that are more productive.

We work with clients in many different industries. Our skillsets combine Web and software technologies, with thoughtful process and design that ensure the right tool gets used for the job.


We specialize in the design and development of information management systems across Web, desktop and mobile platforms. Our expertise covers a wide range of software technologies, including:


Web Development Browser-based programming using platforms and technologies such as: PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Microsoft .NET, CodeIgnitor, etc.

Content Management Systems Custom-built on industry favorites such as Wordpress and Drupal

Mobile App DevelopmentiOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android platforms

Database DevelopmentMySQL, MSSQL, SQLite, Oracle, askSam DB

Desktop Application DevelopmentEnterprise application development with Microsoft .NET


Responsive Web Design Standards-compliant HTML5 and CSS3 for modern desktop and mobile browsers

Mobile App Interface DesignScreen- and platform-adaptive design for iOS and Android smartphones & tablets

Graphic Design ServicesDigital campaigns, digital & printed publications, print collateral

Identity designLogos, branding


Web Investigatory ServicesCopyright- and trademark infringement research & investigations; DMCA takedown orders

Data MiningCustom web spiders and API-based solutions for information collection

Content WritingTechnical specifications, risk assessments, reports, testing plans, user manuals, etc.

System Design and AnalysisQuality testing, project management, search engine optimization

Systems AdministrationAdministrative services for Windows and Linux environments, Web security, email technical support

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 170 Minutes and 0 Secs

Hour 2 - Freedom's Phoenix Headline News; Dr Phranq Tamburri gives The Trump Report


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'



Hour 2

Ernest Hancock goes over the Headline News on Freedom's Phoenix...

Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD

The Trump Report






Phranq's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Dr. Phranq Tamburri is a naturopathic physician specializing in men's health with a sub-specialty in prostate cancer. In tandem to these fields, Dr. Tamburri treats male hormone deficiency, low energy, and sexual performance. Although naturopathic medicine is a specialty in itself, Dr. Tamburri has garnered recognition as an expert in the field of prostate cancer assessment, diagnosis, and treatment; each of the preceding from a balanced natural and allopathic perspective. His training in this area has been varied and wide in scope. As Chief Resident from his Alma Mater, he trained under Mayo trained urologist Bernard Gburek, M.D. at Scottsdale North Hospital while at the same time apprenticed under CMO and Physician of the Year Thomas Kruzel, N.D. who specialized in natural urology. Dr. Tamburri later was director of the Men's Health Clinic at his local teaching clinic. Currently he is long term professor of Clinical Urology at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and also sits as a member of the AZNMA and is the only naturopathic physician on the AZ State Funded SW Prostate Cancer Awareness Council. Dr. Tamburri has been published in this area along with multiple lectures to fellow physicians at yearly professional conventions. Recently he has been asked to serve as expert witness for the State of Arizona Board of Medical Examiners with regard to the management of natural prostate cancer assessment and treatment.

Dr. Tamburri, on his limited down time, loves to study Early American and World History in both didactics and in travels. He has taught inline skating for many years, hikes often with fellow doctors, and recently began pursuit as a poi practitioner!

Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment

Dr. Tamburri's NP Packet

Urological Questionnaire

Prostate Packet

Dr. Phranq Tamburri November 2008 NDNR article

Dr. Phranq Tamburri September 2007 NDNR article


References on the show...

Hour 3

Hour 3 - Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD = Trump Report - In Studio


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque

Join us 'Above the Grid'




Hour 3

Apologies - today's videos will be in 3 parts...

Hour 3.1

Hour 3.2


Hour 3.3



Dr. Phranq Tamburri, NMD

The Trump Report





Phranq's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Dr. Phranq Tamburri is a naturopathic physician specializing in men's health with a sub-specialty in prostate cancer. In tandem to these fields, Dr. Tamburri treats male hormone deficiency, low energy, and sexual performance. Although naturopathic medicine is a specialty in itself, Dr. Tamburri has garnered recognition as an expert in the field of prostate cancer assessment, diagnosis, and treatment; each of the preceding from a balanced natural and allopathic perspective. His training in this area has been varied and wide in scope. As Chief Resident from his Alma Mater, he trained under Mayo trained urologist Bernard Gburek, M.D. at Scottsdale North Hospital while at the same time apprenticed under CMO and Physician of the Year Thomas Kruzel, N.D. who specialized in natural urology. Dr. Tamburri later was director of the Men's Health Clinic at his local teaching clinic. Currently he is long term professor of Clinical Urology at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and also sits as a member of the AZNMA and is the only naturopathic physician on the AZ State Funded SW Prostate Cancer Awareness Council. Dr. Tamburri has been published in this area along with multiple lectures to fellow physicians at yearly professional conventions. Recently he has been asked to serve as expert witness for the State of Arizona Board of Medical Examiners with regard to the management of natural prostate cancer assessment and treatment.

Dr. Tamburri, on his limited down time, loves to study Early American and World History in both didactics and in travels. He has taught inline skating for many years, hikes often with fellow doctors, and recently began pursuit as a poi practitioner!

Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment

Dr. Tamburri's NP Packet

Urological Questionnaire

Prostate Packet

Dr. Phranq Tamburri November 2008 NDNR article

Dr. Phranq Tamburri September 2007 NDNR article


References on the show...

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