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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

09-15-17 -- Joseph Wang - Derrick Broze - Jordan Page -- (VIDEO & MP3s LOADED)

Joseph Wang (CryptoHWWallet) in Shenzhen, China, provides an update on their crypto hardware Wallet - Derrick Broze (Houston Free Thinkers) on Nexus Earth Conf and Hurricane Harvey aftermath - Jordan Page (Artist; Musician) on Nexus Earth Conf, Crypt
Media Type: Audio • Time: 170 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Joseph Wang
Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 45 Secs
Guests: Derrick Broze
Media Type: Audio • Time: 52 Minutes and 17 Secs
Guests: Jordan Page

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 170 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Joseph Wang

Hour 1 -- Joseph Wang (CryptoHWWallet) provides an update on their crypto hardware Wallet. Joseph is currently in Shenzhen, China for a cryptoconference there

Hour 2 -- Derrick Broze (Houston Free Thinkers; The Conscious Resistance; Freedom Cells) on Nexus Earth Conference and Hurricane Harvey aftermath 

Hour 3 -  Jordan Page (Artist; Musician) on Nexus Earth Conference, Crypto and Cannabis; Music and Entertainment; CannaSense (to contact Jordan, call 1-888-420-4751, or email at

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


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September 12th, 2017

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 



Hour 1

2017-09-15 Hour 1 Joseph Wang from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Joseph Wang

Joseph Wang, founder of (the crypto hardware Wallet superstore that offers best hardware wallet selection and best wallet accessories such as genuine leather cases of its own brand), an entrepreneur, investor, and long term crypto and blockchain technology enthusiast & believer. I have a dream to form an non-profit organization to bring crypto money to the world of the needy, I want to reach out people in the 3rd world countries and teach them how to get involved with cryptocurrency and change their lives. 


YouTube.Com - cryptoHWwallet Superstore



Joesph's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 58 Minutes and 45 Secs
Guests: Derrick Broze

Hour 2 -- Derrick Broze (Houston Free Thinkers; The Conscious Resistance; Freedom Cells) on Nexus Earth Conference and Hurricane Harvey aftermath 


Hour 2

2017-09-15 Hour 2 Derrick Broze from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Derrick Broze 

Derrick is an activist and freelance journalist from Houston, Texas. Broze is the founder of The Houston Free Thinkers community alliance, as well as The Conscious Resistance Network. His work has appeared on The Anti Media, Truth in Media (formerly Ben, Mint Press News, RT, Al-Jazeera, Activist Post and many more publications. Derrick's message brings spiritual and philosophical principles together in a call for self-governance, and building counter-institutions to the state via Agorism. He is also the author of the recently released "The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality". (more on the book




Derrick's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


Derrick will be one of the many speakers at the Nexus Earth Conference in Aspen next week. The topics of his presentations are...

*A Holistic Approach to Decentralization 

*Decentralization Panel with Joby Weeks, Derrick Broze & David Seaman: The 21st Century American Revolution: Can it be Peaceful?

*My Journey to the Decentralized Lifestyle



 In June 2017, Derrick Broze, co-author of The Conscious Resistance series, will launch his first nationwide tour focused on promoting a decentralized life via Agorism, Permaculture, Freedom Cells, and Meditation. Broze will be joined by members of The Houston Free Thinkers as they travel the country spreading their message of liberation, empowerment, community building, and solutions! The tour is sponsored by (Full Details Below!) 

The Decentralize Your Life Tour 2017

Gulf Coast Tour 

June 1 – Houston, Texas

June 2 – Austin, TX

June 3 – San Antonio, TX

June 4 – Corpus Christi, TX

June 5 – Laredo, TX

June 7 – El Paso, TX

June 8 – Lubbock, TX

June 9 – Dallas, TX

June 10 – Texas Freedom Grounds

June 11 – Ben Wheeler, Texas

June 12 – Texarkana, Texas

June 13 – New Orleans, Louisiana

West Coast/Mid-West Tour

July 13 – Albuquerque, NM

July 14 – Sedona, Arizona

July 15 – Phoenix, AZ

July 16 – San Diego, California

July 17 – Orange County, CA

July 19 – Los Angeles, CA

July 20 – Acton, CA

July 21 – Santa Cruz, CA

July 22 – Oakland, CA

July 23 – San Francisco, CA

July 24 – Trinidad, CA

July 26 – Reno, Nevada

July 27 – Salt Lake City, Utah

July 28 – Las Vegas, Nevada

July 31, August 1, 2 – Jackalope Fest (AZ)

August 3- Durango, Colorado

August 4 – Walsenburg, CO

August 5 – Denver, CO

August 7 – Kansas City, Missouri

August 8-  Twin Cities, Minnesota

August 9 – Stevens Point, Wisconsin

August 10 – Milwaukee, WI

August 11 – Chicago, Illinois

August 12 – Flint, Michigan

August 13 – Cleveland, Ohio

August 14 – Cincinnati, OH

August 15 – Nashville, Tennessee

August 16 – Tulsa, Oklahoma

East Coast Tour

October 7 – Gainesville, FL

October 8 – Miami, Florida

October 9 – Orlando, Florida

October 11 – Baltimore, MD

October 12 – Philadelphia, PA

October 13 – New York City

October 14 – Great Barrington, Massachusetts

October 16 – Asheville, NC

October 17 – Atlanta, GA

October 18 – Tuscaloosa, AL

October 19 – Houston, TX

Full Details:

Day Time – The first element is known as an "Action Day". We are immensely inspired by the action day movement and want to incorporate similar activities into our tour. We don't want to just come to your community to spread our ideas – we want to contribute to your community! Our goal is to spend the afternoon doing homeless outreach, cleaning up a park, building a garden, or planting trees! Also, we will plant trees along our entire path to offset the impact of driving. We plan to visit community farms and permaculture projects around the country when possible.

Evening Event – We will begin the event with a fifteen minute guided meditation. Afterwards, Johnny and Jeffer will share their experience living in The Free Thinker House in Houston and participating in a Freedom Cell. They will share tips on how to create your own FCs.

Second, Derrick will talk about the new book Manifesto of the Free Humans, Agorism, journalism, and Freedom Cells.

Finally, Jeffer and Johnny will both play some of their songs to close out the night! We want the event to represent all of the elements of the Conscious Resistance: mindfulness, solutions, community, and music.


Volunteer/Facilitator help:

We are looking for help from at least one person in each city to help us coordinate the Action Day and an evening meditation/speaking event.

Can you help? Email

Hour 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 52 Minutes and 17 Secs
Guests: Jordan Page

Hour 3 -  Jordan Page (Artist; Musician) on Nexus Earth Conference, Crypto and Cannabis; Music and Entertainment (to contact Jordan, call 1-888-420-4751, or email at


Hour 3

2017-09-15 Hour 3 Jordan Page from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Jordan Page



Jordan's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:



To contact Jordan, call 1-888-420-4751, or email at jpage@cannasense.comImage result for CANNASENSE



Jordan will be attending the Nexus Earth Conference in Aspen next week where he will be talking about Crypto and Cannabis. Also, will provide Music and Entertainment

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