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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

10-21-15 -- Bill Buppert - Michael Belfiore - Tone Vays -- (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)

Bill Buppert (Publisher ZeroGov) comes on the show to give us an update - Michael Belfiore (Author: Rocketeers; Journalist;) comes on the show to talk about 'Back to the Future' and were the predictions right about the future (and where is our flying
Media Type: Audio • Time: 144 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Tone Vays
Guests: Tone Vays

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 144 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Tone Vays

Hour 1 -- Tone Vays (trader, risk analyst, blogger; Columnist @ BraveNewCoin) in studio discussing the Housing Crisis and Central Banking; goes over the headline news with Ernest

 Hour 2 -- Tone Vays (trader, risk analyst, blogger; Columnist @ BraveNewCoin) in studio discussing economic/liberty issues

 Hour 3 -- Segment 1&2: Bill Buppert (Publisher ZeroGov) comes on the show to talk about 'Back to the Future' and were the predictions right about the future (and where is our flying car)

Segment 3&4: Michael Belfiore (Author: Rocketeers; Journalist;) comes on the show to talk about 'Back to the Future' and were the predictions right about the future (and where is our flying car)? 

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


October 21st, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday

9 a.m. - Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

Tone Vays - In Studio

Tone has been working on Wall Street for almost 10 years starting as a risk analyst at Bear Stearns and later becoming a VP at JP Morgan Chase in the aftermath of the financial crisis. His expertise is in Economic Trends, Trading and Risk Analysis. Ever since getting involved in Crypto Currencies in early 2013 he has been very active in spreading the relevance and importance of this technology to people looking to better understand the current financial system. He is the Head or Research at BraveNewCoinwhere you can find his latest work after previously writing at CoinTelegraph. Tone still attempts to maintain his personal blog LibertyLifeTrail focused on sound economics, privacy, free-thinking and adventurous travel.

BraveNewCoin (BNC) are the leaders in Market Data for the Digital Currency industry. We produce Indices, Benchmarking services, reporting tools and intelligence products for researchers and traders.





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Tone's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:


In honor of this being 'Back to the Future' day, Ernest shares his presentation from Anarchapulco where - he looks into the future - where is our flying car?? - ENJOY!

Why I'm So Optimistic - Ernest Hancock - Anarchapulco 2015

Hour 2

Guests: Tone Vays

Hour 2

Tone Vays (Cont'd)

In Studio

Hour 3

Guests: Bill Buppert

Hour 3

Bill Buppert - Segment 1&2

Publisher of ZeroGov.Com

How to get Bill's Books:

Basic RGBI published my books on Kindle for Amazon.

ZeroGov came into being to provide a vehicle to spread the message of the purest manifestation of freedom – the stateless society; a world that divorces itself from the concept of slavery in all its historical and philosophical variations. There is no other path to follow. Even most libertarians are afraid to do the right thing.

Here is the dirty little secret. There is no such thing as limited government. Nowhere in recorded human history has a government been born or deliberately erected that did not expand over time. Expand in a fashion that always odes at the expense of human liberty and freedom and to the advantage of the political elements and their inevitable clients.

We are ultimately left to our own devices to make the world as we wish it be. I envision a world without limits and without slavery. A world where a human volition is never stymied by the cowed and collaborationist spirit that haunts the soul and being of most humans on Earth. We live on a planet where our friends and neighbors would never deign to raise a hand against us nor help themselves to our bank accounts and wallets without our permission, yet they happily hire proxies to do so and in the most obscene fashion. They take comfort in the advocacy and collaboration of one faction over another.

Go here on Amazon.

ZeroGov: A Vision for an Unshackled Humanity (Volume II) is also available on Amazon.

I have also revised and updated the first book. If you own it, please follow these simple instructions to get a completely revised edition with a much better table of contents.

Follow these steps to enable the Automatic Book Update:

Visit the Manage Your Content and Devices page

Select "Automatic Book Update" from the left navigation bar.

Click "Turn On."


Michael Belfiore - Segment 3&4

Michael Belfiore is an author and journalist reporting on the innovations shaping our world. He has written about game-changing technologies for the New York Times, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Smithsonian, Air & Space, Financial Times, Foreign Policy, and many other outlets. He is an International Aerospace Journalist of the Year Award finalist and a recipient of the Space Frontier Foundation's NewSpace Award for outstanding journalism.

Michael comes on the show to talk about 'Back to the Future' and were the predictions right about the future (and where is our flying car)





KICKSTARTER: It's not VPN, it's AlwaysHome! Take your content worldwide

by Homing Systems


Watch Netflix in China, Hulu in Europe, HBO in Brazil

About this project

Blazing fast speeds... Setup in seconds... no VPN needed...

The SpaceShifting Revolution

The SpaceShifting Revolution

The Problem:

If you're a veteran overseas traveler or going abroad for the first time, you'll experience this bitter disappointment after a long day of business meetings or tourism: 

You arrive at your hotel, open your device to relax and binge watch your favorite series onNetflixHulu or HBO, only to find "Access Denied" for the country you're in.

 Suddenly you're faced with mundane alternatives like reading a book or watching incomprehensible local television on the hotel set.  

In Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, Africa? A big NOPE on getting your content!

In Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, Africa? A big NOPE on getting your content!

Hello, I think my TV needs an oil change

Hello, I think my TV needs an oil change

Our Solution

AlwaysHome is a ridiculously simple to set up system that allows you to appear to be browsing the Internet from your very own living room or office (with access to your private network) anywhere in the world.

It's an alternative to complicated VPN setups that's blazing fast – between 3-10 times faster depending on where you're galavanting around the globe!


Supports all WiFi enabled devices such as Apple TV, Chromecast and Xbox 

Who Should Buy It...

AlwaysHome is a practical solution for anyone abroad who needs access to content in their home country... 

Benefits :

Blazing Fast 3-10 times faster than VPN

Set it up in seconds, not hours

Secure AlwaysHome provides an overlay over the public WiFi using a secure tunnel from one dongle to the other.

Integrates Has a wireless AP which supports devices like Apple TV and Chromecast which don't allow configuration of VPN

How it Works:

The Aluminium Duo features two USB dongles, and a subscription to our cloud services, allowing you to space-shift to any local network behind a firewall or blocked by geo-blocking systems. 

1) Once the two dongles are setup, an auto-communication between the two is triggered in our cloud infrastructure. 

2) Our cloud securely authenticates the dongles and then direct them to connect to each other. 

3) The dongles will then establish a secure, accelerated connection between them. 

 4) All requests and data travel from one dongle will be routed to the other dongle. So each dongle can haveaccess to the network of the other dongle, including internet access from the other dongle and devices in the same network. 

If establishing a direct link is not possible, the cloud may be used as a medium to piggyback data traffic between the two dongles. This is done transparently and seamlessly so that there are no disruptions in the user experience. 

A layer of WAN (Wide Area Network) Optimization is also implemented based on a proprietary data transfer protocol between the two dongles. It is much faster than standard TCP, especially over long distance and long latency network, such as the Internet between San Francisco and Shanghai. In our reality test, an average 3 to 10 times network throughput improvement is achieved on cross pacific data transfers. 










Michael's previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:

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