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Radio/TV • Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Program Date:

01-08-13 -- Link Porterfield (Linux expert) - (Video Loaded)

Link Porterfield (Technology Consultant) explains Linux, the free and open-source software that has been available since the early 1990's.
Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 128 Minutes and 0 Secs
Guests: Ernest Hancock
Hour 1 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
Hour 2 -- Link Porterfield (Technology Consultant) explains Linux, the free and open-source software that has been available since the early 1990's.

Hour 3 -- Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
January 8th, 2013
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
on LRN.FM / Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - Noon (EST)
Studio Line: 602-264-2800 
Hour 1
Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
2013-01-08 Hour 1 Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
(Video Archive):
News Link  • 
Gun Rights
BREAKING: Video of Alex Jones Interviewed By Piers Morgan
01-07-2013  • 
Wow, I told you to bring popcorn. In a very passionate manner, Alex lets Piers Morgan have it. And it is important that Alex brought up the many millions killed by governments, in countries where guns were confiscated.
Peirs Morgan Vs Alex Jones - The Gun Debate Round 1:

Peirs Morgan Vs Alex Jones - The Great Gun Debate Round 2:

BREAKING: Video of Alex Jones Interviewed By Piers Morgan
Wow, I told you to bring popcorn. In a very passionate manner, Alex lets Piers Morgan have it. And it is important that Alex brought up the many millions killed by governments, in countries where guns were confiscated. That's the real reason guns must not be taken from citizens---for protection should a government ever become totalitarian, in the manner they became totalitarian and mass murdering countries when Stalin, Mao and Hitler took control.

Not all will like Alex's passion, but he is on worldwide television standing up to an apologist for the state. We need more of it, with each using his own style and technique. Our job is to explain the important points Alex was trying to make.

(Alex mentioned this so here it is)

Hour 2

Hour 2
Link Porterfield
Technology Consultant
Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released 5 October 1991 by Linus Torvalds.[11][12]

Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computers. It has since been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system. It is a leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and supercomputers:[13][14][15][16] more than 90% of today's 500 fastest supercomputers run some variant of Linux,[17] including the 10 fastest.[18] Linux also runs on embedded systems (devices where the operating system is typically built into the firmware and highly tailored to the system) such as mobile phones, tablet computers, network routers, televisions[19][20] and video game consoles; the Android system in wide use on mobile devices is built on the Linux kernel.

The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration: the underlying source code may be used, modified, and distributed—commercially or non-commercially—by anyone under licenses such as the GNU General Public License. Typically Linux is packaged in a format known as a Linux distribution for desktop and server use. Some popular mainstream Linux distributions include Debian (and its derivatives such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint), Fedora (and its derivatives such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS), Mandriva/Mageia, OpenSUSE, and Arch Linux. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel, supporting utilities and libraries and usually a large amount of application software to fulfill the distribution's intended use.

Hour 3

Hour 3
Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
2013-01-08 Hour 3 Freedom's Phoenix Headline News
(Video Archive):

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