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2023-08-01 11:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
Del Bigtree of 'The Highwire' said this like two years ago, and a whole lot more. While I don't have the exact videos where he said this, you can search for and watch his videos on Bitchute - or at 'The Highwire' site -
2023-08-01 02:07
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Entered by: Anonymous
This guy - also known as Dmitry Baxter - was a disinformationist before! Now he's building up his so-ca!!ed " real" alternative news audience to throw them a final deadly propaganda mickey when everyone eventually trusts him. PLEASE DO YOUR VETTING PROPERLY! Check FITZINFO For the real goods on this creature. Thetruthseeker. Co uk. ALSO posts his deceiving channel. Finally a way to get through to freedoms phoenix?
2023-07-30 13:52
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Entered by: PureTrust
The question is, where does the Fed get the money that they give to the banks? They simply 'print' it? They get it from investors? They get it from the double repayment on loans - creations of new money? They get it from IRS collections/taxes? Where? --- And what are the rules that they follow so that they don't collapse the economy as they pay the banks? --- Is the payment to the banks tapering off because the money is going to Ukraine rather than the banks?
2023-07-28 09:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
Seems to me that government people go one step further than being the guy who set the whole ant fight up. Rather, they are simply people who are making the ants (you and I) focus on government so that we don't see that it is they that are doing what we think the government is doing. The point is, it is never government that is trying to harm you. It is some people who are using their positions of authority to try to harm you. If they are acting outside of governmental authority, they are acting personally, even though they try to act like they are government. --- When you become the client of an attorney, or when you represent yourself, you are signing away your rights, turning them over to the decisions of the judge and the opposing attorneys or to the judge/jury. Why do you need to represent yourself when you are present? No representation necessary. --- Invite your friends -
2023-07-28 07:18
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
RFK Jr. is a greater threat to the Deep State than Donald Trump. I suspect that Trump will not participate in sham debates for the Republicans and RFK Jr will not get a debate with Biden (and why would he want to be part of that train wreck anyway?)... sooooo, I suspect that we'll see a double billed event with Zuckerberg vs Musk Smackdown followed by a Bobby v Trump... conversation. Now I'd pay some real money for that Pay Per View!
2023-07-28 07:11
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
Well, we see how this all works... Riiight?
2023-07-26 15:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
The whole nuclear danger thing is a government scare tactic, government trying to keep nuclear out of the home. Without nukes in the home or the car, we can be controlled by our dependence on petrol and the power grid. Nuclear isn't really that dangerous at all. "Galen Winsor Eats Uranium" -
2023-07-26 15:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ukraine learned the wrong thing. Do you remember the Russian drone attacks on Kiev a few months ago? Russia was spanking an unruly child. But all that Ukraine did was learn to use drones. Looks like Russia is going to have to form a new USSR, with Ukraine first. That's the only thing that seems to work.
2023-07-25 11:59
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Entered by: PureTrust
Time to raise energy prices, or turn off the electricity.
2023-07-25 11:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
Has the Surgeon General announced that he has determined that food is hazardous to your health? If he hasn't, when will he?
2023-07-25 07:46
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Entered by: Derrick Slopey
mp3 Loaded now
2023-07-23 11:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
Impeach the whole blasted Congress and fire a bunch more. Why? Because they are letting the Federal Reserve Bank double its money by screwing the people. Every time a bank loans money, they monetize the promissory note in some way. Then they sell it and keep what they get. When you repay on your loan, the bank is getting money for free. The money trickles into the economy and causes the inflation that is making prices increase. And you suffer at the pumps, and at the grocery store, and everywhere else you spend money. Place the money back under the Treasury where it belongs. I mean, why isn't Congress doing this, shutting down the Fed? Could it be that they are getting paid off by the Fed?
2023-07-23 09:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
What's wrong with the article? It didn't go far enough. The dollar has ALWAYS been weaponized against the American people. But it was/is so slow that it is barely noticeable, until you get BIG INFLATION, and prices skyrocket. You can see how it works in in one easy way. When you get a bank loan, you repay the loan over the years, right? But the bank doesn't need your repayment. Why not? Because it turns your promissory note into money, so it gets paid right away. It was a creation of new money, which made your money worth less, which caused inflation, which harmed you by lessening your purchase power. Look at how the prices have gone up in the stores. --- When the government borrows money to give to Ukraine, as that money flows back into the US market, your purchasing power goes down. Forget Russia. Focus on how the banks are against America.
2023-07-20 18:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
Who wants Democracy? The 51% get their guy into office, thereby making slaves of the 49%. Government is too specialized to let everybody rule. So, a handful of people make the decisions for everybody. They never do what the 51% elected them to do, so it becomes slavery for everybody. Rather --- A Republic. If anybody harms me, damages me, or threatens me, make him pay to make it right for me. And if he won't stop, maybe even execute him. --- A Republic, where everybody is the government, and nobody is forced to do anything the Democracy says, although the Democracy can exist. A Republic. Freedom.
2023-07-18 10:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
Maybe that's how they mixed the concrete for the Twin Towers of 911 fame. But they didn't use tiny chunks of lime. Rather, they used tiny chunks of "thermite." Once heated to a substantially high temperature, the concrete, itself, would dissolve in a burning torrent. That seems to be the theory of Dr. Steven Jones, formerly of Brigham Young University.
2023-07-18 09:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
ALL RIGHT! Finally something dynamic to spray in chemtrails!
2023-07-15 23:47
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Entered by: Anonymous
No mp3? :(
2023-07-11 14:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
Phoenix: Where your coffee stays hot all day. ------- Phoenix: Where people complain about the heat until they are in a high enough income bracket that they can afford to join a golf club.
2023-07-11 11:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
The first thing to remember is that the current Fed money system is the monetizing of contracts and agreements rather than gold and silver, although agreements regarding the exchanges of gold and silver can be monetized. The second thing to remember is that in the Bible Revelation, the banking system will crash 'in one hour'. Note that the crash won't necessarily stop trade between people and all businesses, even though it will affect major businesses in a big way. How much is BRICS going to help this to happen with their new gold backed currency?
2023-07-09 14:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
It's really a shame. But there isn't really any Ukraine left. If the US had simply left Ukraine alone at the beginning of the Russian occupation, we might still have a real Ukraine. As it is, the only place worthwhile living in, are the places that Russia liberated. And we see that the US interference is still trying to destroy freedom even there.
2023-07-05 14:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
You have to understand US debt before you can understand any of this. --- After a borrower signs the promissory note on the loan he gets, and trades it to the bank for the loan money, the bank monetizes the promissory note. It sells the note usually for a discounted rate. Besides this, the borrower usually repays the loan, as well, over the years. So, what does the bank do with the money that it gets from monetizing the promissory note? With all this money, there should be no bank failures at all! Or does the bank pass this money on to the Federal Reserve Bank, who passes it on to its owners? Now we are beginning to see why the owners of the FED can't help but get richer and richer... and why we have such a high rate of inflation when they spend the money around the world.
2023-07-03 08:35
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
2023-07-02 10:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Anybody who wants to find a big bunch of ways to fight in and out of court, and to really begin to understand what law in the US is all about, needs to go here Perry Mason did a good job of warping our minds against the other part of the law, the common law/lore. This more-than-4-hours audio will really start to open your mind if you take it seriously. Follow up by watching the videos here Then do searches on "Karl Lentz common law." This stuff is not only good for private property, but for all kinds of lawful things. We need to know this. Some of it is difficult to understand. Take it slowly, and get the clear picture of what is being said. Real law is different than you think.
2023-06-24 14:53
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Entered by: PureTrust
Putin and Russia have all of Siberia to develop. The only resource they lack is people to do the developing. A big push against Ukraine might end in nuclear war. US nukes are nothing to scoff at, even though Russia's might be bigger and better and more of them. Nukes are a bad idea for the whole world. There probably wouldn't be any developing of Siberia for hundreds of years after a full blown nuclear war. So, like the US, NATO, China, and other countries, Russia is not going to provoke a nuclear world holocaust, except as an absolute last defense. Play the game slowly, and win at it slowly, rather than not winning anything at all.
2023-06-23 13:48
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Entered by: dreamer
There are some people who would suggest the Barons should have meekly succumbed to King John's demands and staff and fund an invasion John demanded---at the persuasive voice of City of London financiers. I am glad the Barons resisted and demanded John accept---at the point of a sword---the Magna Carta.
2023-06-19 13:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
Now it's RVers and Tiny Home people.
2023-06-17 13:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
From the article: "Need furniture? Make it with the tools and materials you already have. Need blankets? You make quilts with old T-shirts. Need fencing? What do you have that will accomplish the job out in your barn? (In a way, this is the same argument I made in The Case for More American 3D Printers.)" --- Need guns? Start with black pipe -
2023-06-17 13:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
Seasteading -
2023-06-17 13:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
Should be that, if you lose in your indictment/prosecution of somebody, you should get the same punishment that you were asking for, for the person you are prosecuting. Making this a legal requirement not only is something that is upheld by the Bible (Moses's laws), but it would get rid of a bunch of most of these sill attacks on Trump.
2023-06-17 13:05
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Entered by: Randeau
As indicated in the upper left corner of this video, this testimony before Congress, took place nearly two months ago as of 6/17/2023. Walensky's current whereabouts are unknown. Factual information.