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2007-04-03 12:04
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
I figured that I could,... but where's the fun in that? :)
2007-04-03 10:35
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Entered by: Tom W.
Very well said :)
2007-04-03 09:29
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Entered by: Ed Price
People have always had limited freedom. Just think of all the things you would like to do but can't. I mean ALL of them.

Thank Goodness that we all have the freedom to oppose the authority of anybody else. One of freedoms we often lack is the freedom to oppose certain authorities and come out unscathed.

Now, if I, personally, don't like the idea of freedom to oppose apparent authority, I may still have to use it to oppose you if you try to force me into a position of having it.

2007-04-03 01:06
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Entered by: Morpheus
follow up to the story here
2007-04-02 10:47
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
Thanks for the headsup. It is working fine now. The file takes about 10 seconds to load up before it starts. Enjoy!


2007-04-02 09:34
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Hey, it is not just five. Those five were Iranian consular officials present in Iraq under invitation of our Iraqi puppet government and under protection of diplomatic paper.

It is closer to 50 Iranian citizens mostly in Iraq at the wrong time and place, and a few of them [government officials] were kidnapped directly out of IRAN.

All because GW needs "proof" that Iran is supplying the insurgents ... which is bull since the insurgents are the enemy of Iran. But hey, the truth is of no importance when GW desires to launch a war with yet another nation.

2007-04-01 07:34
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Entered by: Trouser Chili
You can tell google adsense to exclude certain websites from advertising.
2007-03-31 11:40
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Entered by: Suzuko
Your link won't work because it has ".filepart" added to the end.
2007-03-31 07:43
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Entered by: VoteRonPaul08
Did you catch Ron Paul last night on HBO? It's on YouTube, I think Bill just wanted to waste his time!
2007-03-31 02:26
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Entered by: Philly Dave
A comment from one of my blog readers:

joshdvm wrote:
I always suspected Maher was an idiot a--hole--now I'm 100% sure.

Let's see...the topic that takes up easily 90% of the show's idiotic babble week after week guessed it...Iraq.

The only antiwar candidate appears on the show and what do we get...

We can't get rid of the CIA, can we?
You mean we shouldn't have fought the Civil War?
Surely government has to fight global warming, right?
We shouldn't have an FAA?

What's wrong with this picture?

2007-03-29 11:41
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Entered by: Philly Dave
Most Excellent!
2007-03-29 11:28
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
March 25th was the first day back on the air for "Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock" on the "Nova M" radio network out of Phoenix Arizona. This network is the new "Progressive" radio network started by the Drobny's. You may best know the Drobnys as the couple that started the Air America Network.

The fact that openly liberal radio network owners would add a no-compromise hard core libertarian to their new stable of talk show hosts is a very interesting thing to ponder. I guess they see the future too. :)

2007-03-29 11:10
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
She kind'a does...
March 29, 2007
2007-03-29 03:25
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Entered by: perplexed

Another Point Of View


This old working boy from Lubbock, doesn't possess the Ivy League degree possessed by the man from Midland. And rather than flying airplanes in the Texas National Guard, I dug 81mm mortar emplacements, in the twenty degree below zero weather of Grafenvere Germany. 10th Infantry-86th Regiment-1955-56.

However, many working folk consider a degree from the University of Hard Knocks, although Politically Incorrect, of more value.

Nothing could better establish this as fact, Mr. President, than your current position, that there are many jobs Americans simply won't do, therefore, we must import Mexican laborers by the millions, while forgiving the mis-conduct of millions more, whose very presence, constitutes criminal trespass.

Obviously oil patch economics, don't square with cotton patch economics, and apparently the laws of supply and demand aren't taught at Yale, and certainly not from the perspective of an old "bole puller," therefore, I will attempt to augment your Ivy League Degree, with a "cotton picking education," from my Vocational Ag point of view.

For the purpose of explanation, let's assume that at one time, a valuable resource was discovered in a Kingdom we will call Texas, the resource we will call oil.

A great demand soon developed for this resource, with the kingdom of Texas a prime producer.

Very shortly, an organization, we will call the Seven Sisters, a consortium of producers, persuaded a government entity, we will call the Texas Railroad Commission too assume the task of setting and maintaining the price.

This feat was accomplished by limiting the amount of oil produced by each well over a given period of time, while
bestowing upon the producers, a 27% federal tax break, in the form of a "depletion allowance."

Are you with me so far Mr. President?

The possible profit, as well as the tax break, made exploration, though expensive, very appealing too a lot of people, thus, prospective land was leased all over the Kingdom of Texas; "doodle bug" drilling rigs, and seismograph crews could not be assembled fast enough.

The demand, thus, the profit was so great, that the Seven Sisters were soon searching for profitable sources, all over the world. They were successful in a Kingdom we will call Arabia.

The rulers of the kingdom, possessing not a clue as too the true worth of the oil, signed contracts with the Seven Sisters, awarding them control of the oil, for a price bordering on theft.

Rather than being required to drill wells thousands of feet deep, and then pump the oil out of the ground, as was the case in the Kingdom of Texas, in the Kingdom of Arabia, the process required hardly more than punching a hole in the ground a few feet deep, and collecting the oil as it flowed to the surface.

Thus, the oil could be imported and sold, for a price that rendered exploration in The Kingdom of Texas unprofitable. Ultimately, many under financed, former producers, "wild catters," and "doodle buggers," stacked their drilling rigs, some after going broke.

In a nut shell, this is the reality of supply and demand.

Guess what Mr. President; this same system works equally well with cotton production, milk production, beef production, or even labor.

Apparently you have never been affected by unfair foreign competition; are a very slow study; or just don't care, whether or not common citizens earn a wage sufficient too adequately care for our families, so long as your corporate gravy train, glides on rails of dirt cheap labor.

The essence of the lesson is: The importation of cheap labor, by increasing the available supply, will drive the value of domestic labor down to imported level, a level which will continue to fall, in direct proportion to that of importation, eventually equalizing at the third world level!

Once again the law and currency manipulators get the gold, and, as usual, we, the unrepresented, get the shaft!

Contrarily, without artificial competition, the value of domestic labor will rise, resulting in the equalization of the negotiating position of management and labor; "Presto" a wage attractive enough too entice those in the domestic workforce, to accept jobs formerly refused; especially if we quit paying them not to work.

Our Next "Cotton Picking" Lesson Is On The Use Of Wealth!

Although your government is drowning in red ink, in addition to the fact that wealth yet to be created, by citizens yet to be born, continues to be confiscated by debt before the fact, we have your assurance that by simply cutting taxes, we will "grow" our way out of this mess!"

Sure We Will El Presidente!

Just as the merchant losing money on every sale, will recoup his money with reduced prices, high sales volume, mortgaged assets, and concealed/denied, business expenses!

While the cost of education skyrockets, with your blessing, aid, and complicity of our Non-Representatives; through the importation of competition, and exporting of opportunity, its value is plummeting; as is the value of domestic skilled, educated, and experienced labor.

The situation then gets even more bazaar, and insulting, as you, and the rest of "our Non-Representative government," are now promoting a plan; implemented with tax revenue, which, with welfare, "amnesty," education, medical care, and social security benefits, augment the value of cheaper, illegal labor, thereby totally destroying the value of the legal, domestic variety!

Translation: We, The Lawful Citizenry, Must Purchase The Knife, With Which Our Throats Are Being Cut!

Adding injure to the insults, with encouragement from your buddy, Vicente Fox of Mexico, illegal immigrants, severely lacking knowledge of our laws; can neither read, nor understand the language; possess little driving experience in our traffic, even now, are being issued drivers license, and "identity cards," with which they may operate huge trucks on our roads, and potentially vote in our national elections!

Have you, our "leader "become so saturated, thus corrupted, with New World Order Globalism, that we, a nation of sovereign individuals, who could not be taken by armies, is simply being betrayed into subjugation, and our Constitution trashed by that "leadership?"

Although many of your fellow Americans, by your standards, and apparently those of our elected Non-Representatives, may be uneducated, we are not stupid! (at least some of us)

With the cost of "financing" our government, your war, and the just detailed policies destroying the value of our time; endangering our lives and welfare; eating up our children's future, and allowing anyone in the world a say in the selection of our "leadership," many of us are in need of being enlightened, as to the current value of American citizenship.

Our Next "Cotton Picking" Lesson, Is On Domestic Security! You Know, Protecting Our Own Nest And Livelihood!

That the US is being invaded with impunity, across the borders of four states, with the knowledge and approval of the Federal Government, mocks the term, United States.

That any state must even request aid, for the defense of national borders, indicts you, and our Non-Representatives, on the charge of willful endangerment of the health, wealth, and safety of the American citizenry; willful dereliction of the duty; misappropriation and allocation of money, and violation of your employment contract, by perjuring your oath of office!

While we could find the funds to defend the borders of Kuwait, an army of millions of people, bearing millions of tons of poison to be distributed to our children, have, over at least the last fifty years, poured virtually unchecked into our nation.

This conduit, extending from the tip of South America, to the northern border of Mexico, is certainly no secret to the residents of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, Nor The Federal Politicians!

While two billion dollars per week can be poured into Iraq for the purpose of "nation building," we, the American people have consistently been told, that the millions, annually needed to adequately protect our own nation, won't be appropriated.

Mr. President, if these resources and resolve were dedicated to our own security, given the current state of technology, within a few short months, a fly couldn't get into this nation without being detected! Instead the American people are being played for fools!

For election purposes, you, and the congress announced an agreement to build a border fence, however, minus necessary funding. Surprise! Surprise!

With the election behind us, the need for the fence, thus its funding, has vanished! You, and our non-representatives will solve the problem, by simply "forgiving," thus rewarding, criminal trespass.

Mr. Bush, you as President, and everyone of our other Non-Representatives, took an oath too protect and defend our Constitution and obey, not abrogate its laws, as the price of the key to the office too which you, and they, had been elected: Yet----And Let's Get This Straight!

While we the people, are watching our civil rights disappear in the name of national" security:

Endure "swat" team raids in our living rooms, for the purpose of verifying suspicions; of the suspected presence; of the possiblity of drugs; Drugs Which, If Present, Should Have Been Interdicted At Our Borders ;

Weave our way around armed soldiers at our airports:

Greet our youth as they arrive home in body bags:

Pour two billion dollars per week down the money pit of Iraq, and hundreds of lives of our youth, attempting too aid and control their people:

Annually provide billions of dollars, and an army of our youth, needlessly protecting the security of nations around the globe:

Send more "foreign aid" than we can count too Israel, so they can steal more Arab land, build a wall around it, and kill anyone with the audacity to protest:

You appear on world wide TV, singing praise; extolling virtues; proposing amnesty and citizenship; while offering the Presidential hand to millions of criminals, you anticipate addressing as "My Fellow Americans."

A Compendium Of Facts, Anyone Of Which Is Alarming, But When Combined, Comprise A Damning Commentary On Your "Damn-ocratic" Government!

Mr. President, We Do Not Owe, Nor Should We Provide, An Overflow For Mexico's Surplus Population!

Perhaps this makes sense to the man from Midland, his Ivy League Alumni, and our Non-Representatives, but, to an old, uneducated working man from Lubbock: It Stinks Too High Heaven!

How about we, the current citizenry, either unemployed, or underemployed, as the result of government policies which have exported our employment opportunities to foreign shores?

Will laws against stealing, shoplifting, burglary, robbery and car theft, be overlooked, when committed by good, God fearing individuals, for the purpose of feeding our families, or the acquisition of dependable transportation?

As far as the excuse that there are jobs that Americans simply will not do; Mr. President, from my visits to Midland, although infrequent I'll admit, I don't' remember the economics of the Lubbock cotton patch, and the Midland oil patch, being that divergent.

Contrarily, my fifty plus years of experience has proven, that if the wage offered, is commensurate with the task to be performed, finding the appropriate labor offers no problem, whether in Midland, Lubbock, or, Seattle.

Our Next "Cotton Picking" Lesson, Is In Getting Your Ducks In A Row!

Mr. President, it is apparent that even in Midland, you spent very few, if any, twelve hour shifts freezing your ass off working evening tower,(top platform on a drilling derrick) and have, in all likelihood, never laid eyes on a cotton sack.

While I never worked evening tower, although I have friends, who, on their journey up the ladder to "tool pusher"(crew boss) have; in my teen years, I spent many hours on my knees filling sixteen to twenty foot cotton sacks; oh, did I forget to mention that this was also true of my younger brother and sister, although with shorter sacks.

I know that perhaps it now seems a little strange, especially to an Ivy Leaguer, but in the nineteen forties, many Texas parents were of the opinion that children should be taught to work.

Our parents held strong beliefs along these lines, as did Mr. and Mrs. Ray, not only close neighbors, and farmers, but parents of our closest friends, school chums, and playmates.

I don't know what Betty, Lilly, and Vanita had their eyes on, but the Dennis kids were all focused on new bicycles, and mom was prepared to help us acquire them.

Mr. Ray set aside a field for us to harvest; so after school and on Saturdays, the three Dennis kids, and the three Ray girls, with mom coordinating the tasks, keeping weights, and pulling boles; in the late fall, with our money, and her contributions, our dreams became reality!

If you are hungry, (thanks to my father I never was) or, have your eye on a new bicycle, or perhaps some high school "wheels," work not only doesn't look so bad, but, and I think the Ray girls will concur; our stint in the cotton patch, was a very enjoyable experience.

Good friends, good neighbors, good parents, and less intrusive government, is a winning combination.

Speaking of government, the legal importation of cheap labor, amounts too nothing more than dis-honestly sneaking what is legitimately referred too as wage and price controls, in through the back door!

Neither the welfare of the Mexican work force, nor the acquisition of cheap domestic labor, is the responsibility of any member of our elected government, especially you, Mr. President!

According to the Declaration of Independence, the power of government is derived from the consent of the governed, thus, our government, by relieving the economic distress, simultaneously preserves tolerance of the status quo, forestalling the day that the Mexican citizenry demand proper government; a day long overdue, but so far unsought.

Contrarily; the United States, thanks to our forefathers, was, after fighting for the opportunity, built, maintained and defended, with blood, sweat, tears, and unbelievable hardship; and its purpose re-defined, by yet another war.

Reward criminal conduct, by cheapening the value of American citizenship? Like Hell!

Send them home, and let them devote their labor and talents, toward the development of their own nations potential!

I know from first hand experience that there are many jobs in this nation that are not pleasant, and some downright revolting. However, some member or members of our citizenry, have, on every occasion, stepped forward and begun clawing their way through the mountain of horse dung, in search of the pony, as the nation itself attests.

All achieved by native born individuals? Certainly Not!

But, with the contributions of immigrants who played by the rules; respected the laws of what they hoped would be their new home; awaited due process, and then with pride, worked by day, and studied by night, toward the day when they could proudly declare themselves, American Citizens!

Even The Thought Of Rewarding Unlawful Entry With Amnesty, Pardon or Citizenship, Dishonors Every Citizen Who Respects Our Heritage, By Obeying Our Nations Laws!

Our Next "Cotton Picking" Lesson, Obesity, Government Style!

While personal obesity is now being recognized as a threat to the health of the citizenry, government obesity and gluttony, is destroying the nations health, wealth, and welfare; the very freedoms upon which it feeds.

Yet, while you, and our Non-Representatives are eager to assist in "solving" the individuals problem, (not your responsibility) not one of you is considering solving the nations out of control spending and debt problem.(most certainly your responsibility)

A hint: The best thing you, and our Non-Representatives can do, after first shifting the tax advantage away from multi-national corporations, and back to Individual Businesses, is take a long vacation, and reflect upon the following:

The US doesn't need an influx of foreign workers: We Need Fewer, Far Fewer Politicians, and Less, Much Less Government.

Contrary to the propaganda, governments do not create wealth producing jobs!

Governments impose obstruction to, and demands upon, individuals attempting to create new job opportunities, while claiming first rights to a portion of any wealth which any new job manages to create.

It is absolutely insulting, that the work force of the nation, should be required to defend what money we do manage to acquire, from government thieves in the guise of tax collectors, and to be threatened with prison for failure to "properly" account for it.

Our Next "Cotton Picking" Lesson, Is On The Ordering Of Priorities."

The motivation to become a Non-Representative, is, to a great extent the desire to fulfill a personal vision of just what the nation could become, if only it were structured according to their philosophy, with its wealth dedicated to the achievement of their goals.

If only the United States were dedicated to the service of God, as an example, there would be no more hunger, pain, and suffering-- our thoughts would all be pure, and we would live in a violence free environment.

Nice thought, in fact the thought which has, since the beginning of recorded history, been the foundation of one bloody, dictatorial, maniacal government, right after another, to this very day.

Think not! Then re-read the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, and examine: Roman Catholic, Spanish Catholic, and Islamic history, from its inception.

Even in the United States, a religiously inspired Constitutional Amendment, number Eighteen to be exact, was enacted, which, for the first time denied, rather than protected, the right of individual self determination.

By the time of its repeal by the Twenty-first, the Federal Government had been empowered, and did in fact, create agencies with the "right" to act, without consequence, outside the law.

Supposedly a declaration of war on alcohol, it was instead a war on common sense, the criminal justice system in general, and the civil rights of every American in particular.

As justice was taken out of the courts, and deposited with "law enforcement," the nation became a prison, and several of our major cities, major war zones.

Shorn of their right to exist by the Twenty-first, the agencies created by the implementing authority of the Eighteenth, should have died with it!

However, as is very vividly revealed by the general "war on drugs," and the war on specific American citizenry, as typified at Ruby Ridge Idaho, and Waco Texas, such was not the case!

We The People must realize, and act upon the knowledge, that excessive resources and "rights," when deposited with law enforcement, does not achieve a risk free, work free, society, contrarily, it is the kiss of death to any civilization.

Because it stifles creativity, inhibits dreams, and denies the opportunity to achieve the much needed sense of growth and personal fulfillment, a government working toward these goals, while educating the citizenry to accept such a concept, is not only weakening its moral foundation, but is destroying the economic foundation of the nation as well.

Talk About Some Screwed Up Priorities!

The "mortgage our nations future" governmental policy, so extremely damaging to the American family, is revealed by incarceration figures; drug and alcohol addiction embracing every segment of our society, and rampant school age sex, etc.

Our current, as well as following generations, extending into the forever, are imprisoned in a straightjacket of debt, thus, both parents are forced out of the home, and away from children during the most critical, developmental period of their lives.

Why then, Mr. President, rather than devoting your efforts toward the elimination of the freedom devouring national debt; a true crisis; are you, and many of our Non-Representatives, focusing your efforts toward amending the Constitution for "The Defense of Marriage?"

Marriage Needs No Defense!

We The People are quite capable of determining for ourselves, just what it is, and what it isn't, without another Constitutional amendment, again denying, rather than defending, individual rights.

What We Do Need, is a Constitutional Amendment in the Defense of Our Nation, From Irresponsible Politicians, By The Mandating Of A Balanced Budget!

Read the book, and then ask yourself why any of the current government should be re-elected! Get The Rest Of The Story! Damocracy-Government From Hell or

Wendall Dennis 29734 Martin Rd. Culdesac Idaho 83524

2007-03-28 10:36
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Entered by: Psychictaxi
"The $100 million for the political party conventions — $50 million for the Democratic convention in Denver and $50 million for the Republican convention in St. Paul, Minn. — is included in a section described as "Katrina recovery, veterans' care and for other purposes.""

What a bunch of $#!T!!! This says just how stilted away from ANYONE except the R's & D's the 'system' has become. How is it MY taxes are used for the conventions of the OTHER parties, and my own party can just "go suck it"!?! So much for 'no taxation without representation'.....

I have run out of expletives.

2007-03-27 03:38
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Entered by: Morpheus
Ron Paul is certainly a politician that as a libertarian I can trust. What I would love to see is Nationally televised debate with Ron Paul in it. It would be a massacre for any of the media sponsored candidates. Ron Paul would say the unspeakable. Such all the ways that the Federal Reserve, the Income tax ( as it is being applied) and the War are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Being Ron Paul is part of the establishment he could actually get in televised debates. That is all that needs to happen for him to win getting on the debates.
2007-03-26 11:58
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Entered by: Paul The cab driver
great place to advertise this website. or any other pro rights group.
2007-03-26 06:49
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Entered by: RAM
Excellent movie!! The information contained within this movie is explored more thouroughly by Richard Andrew Grove and his 911 Synchronicity Podcasts which are free on itunes. The episodes take you down fabulous rabbit holes full of excellent information.


2007-03-24 10:59
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Entered by: Jerimiah Savage
We are all ready under martial law in the US. If not we would not have a commander in chief. The centralization of power in the president is irrepressible because there are no specific constitutional restraints. Lincoln seized total power when Congress adjourned sine die on March 28th, 1861. This ended the original de jure government under the Constitution. In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law. He ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as an enemy of the nation. This martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today - what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders.
2007-03-23 12:18
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Entered by: Checkpoint USA
Not only that but I think the going rate for a bare-bones (no pun intended) police dog with minimal training is on the order of $10,000. Over the lifetime of a police dog, the costs associated with its care, training and the training of its handler is on the order of $100,000. This particular dog sounds like it was very experienced....

A Tohono O'odham Police Department (TOPD) canine handler did the exact same thing to a police dog named Yari several years ago. Another TOPD canine handler "lost" his dog last year when it mysteriously escaped from his backyard. I never learned whether or not the dog was ever found....

2007-03-23 08:46
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Entered by: Jim Welch
I am confident that the Israeli lobbists would also have tagged Diogenes with the label of, "extremist".

After all, expecting honesty in Government or any position which would suggest placing the interests of the American people first over the interests of Israel would indeed be regarded as "radical" and "extremist" by the Jewish controlled media and lobbists.

2007-03-23 08:44
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Entered by: Jim Welch
I am confident that the Israeli lobbists would also have tagged Diogenes with the label of, "extremist".

After all, expecting honesty in Government or any position which would suggest placing the interests of the American people first over the interests of Israel would indeed be regarded as "radical" and "extremist" by the Jewish controlled media and lobbists.

2007-03-23 07:45
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Entered by: Jerimiah Savage
Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient
Israelite a "Jew" or to call a contemporary Jew an
"Israelite" or a "Hebrew"
1980 Jewish Almanac
ISBN 0-553-01265-7

They admit they are NOT the people of the Bible. When will the so-called Christians bear witness to this Biblical
fact. Until that time nothing will change with US policy towards Israeli..

2007-03-23 04:16
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Entered by: ceese
Subprimers should take their well deserved lumps and smile. They took advantage of many ignorant folks.
2007-03-22 10:53
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Now in Arizona, if this was you or me, it would be clear if the A/C was on or not, and we would be rotting in jail over negligent death of an animal. Bt if you are cop you get the ashes and sympathy.
2007-03-22 10:53
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Entered by: hatchcar
Dave, hats off to a great video. Darn it, wish I had stayed in Phoenix. You guys look like you're have to much fun.
2007-03-22 06:24
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Entered by: Philly Dave
Thanks it is doing well on youtube and (videos).

If you are a Digger, check it out and keep it up top.

The comments comming from the blog, email, e groups and the video sites are overwhelming positive. I have received requests for the sign stencil from folks in other states and the college kids want to make "T" shirts.

Glad you like the cideo please pass it on.

2007-03-22 02:59
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Entered by: Morpheus
I would encourage other readers to contact this supposed "POLL" and ask why Ron Paul is not on the list.
Your poll is outragous. How can it possibly have ANY value when it dosent even offer all the candidates. Why is RON PAUL not listed??? Could this be because he is the only candidate who supports the constitution and your company is part of the facist government?
2007-03-21 10:04
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Entered by: Ed Price
Did you also know that all loans made by legal lending institutions are not loans at all, but are rather, creations of new money? Two Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago publications that express this are "Two Faces of Debt" and "Modern Money Mechanics."

So, if money was created because of a document you signed, the document must have had value equal to the amount of money created. If it didn't, money couldn't have been created. When you received the cash from the loan officer, you were only receiving value back for value you had given in the first place. An even trade. No loan.

So why are you enriching a bank or credit card company by GIVING them money in the amount of the so-called loan plus interest when they really never loaned you anything in the first place?

2007-03-21 02:41
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Entered by: Fascist Nation
Shouldn't that be "11?"
