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2019-05-09 07:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
Circumcision should be done on the 8th day to breast-fed (colostrum-fed) males. This will increase their immunity without the side-effects from drugs. Females, because of their more liquid bodies, don't need circumcision (they need colostrum). But the real benefit is this. A circumcised male becomes less sensitive. Then, during sexual intercourse, he will have to work harder at getting pleasure. The woman takes longer to reach climax. She needs a partner who takes longer so that she is fulfilled. Circumcision makes for a better relationship because of the way it makes the man slow down.
2019-05-09 06:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
But you are going about your anarchy in the wrong way. Most of your prophets are telling you to destroy the United States. If not directly, then in the way they are telling you to get into anarchy. The USA laws and foundational writings are the thing that is holding you in the ability to think and talk anarchy. Why do you want to destroy the thing that is maintaining you? There's a better way. Put some study into it. >>> Combine the following 3 things to make your anarchy successful: a) Private Membership Association (PMA); Google it; b) the teachings of Karl Lentz are not his; He is simply one who has stated them more clearly than most others - - copy these before thy go bye-bye; c) Bernie, here - - and here -; Bernie wants to make money, but what he does is worth every penny.
2019-05-06 09:42
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Entered by: PureTrust
If the students had guns, this wouldn't have even been conceived of by the shooter. Why not? Because in order to have guns in the hands of virtually all the students, the whole mindset of all of them would change. There would be a strong embedded respect for each other, just so that they could live with each other without fear. A shooter would know this, or he would be dead before he could do much damage. --- All this setting of shooters against students - a thing propagated by the Left - is going to backfire on the Left, once the people realize that the only one who is going to protect you successfully is yourself with your own gun.
2019-05-04 08:18
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Looks like "Christians" should have stopped Bush & Blair. Payback is a biotch.
2019-05-02 13:13
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Entered by: Ed Martin
"The whole good cop/bad cop question can be disposed of much more decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone's anecdote about his Uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop. We need only consider the following: (1) a cop's job is to enforce the laws, all of them; (2) many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked; (3) therefore every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust or even cruel and wicked. There are no good cops." ~Robert Higgs
2019-05-02 10:08
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Yep, not true. The reason the cops didn't show up is because their buddies where causing the problems and the leftists where the one calling the cops Proof again we shouldn't trust the cops.
2019-05-02 09:51
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
This is awesome! I hope its true, but knowing its from Natural News it probably isn't. :-(
2019-05-02 08:49
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Entered by: Jim Fulner
Great Story, thanks!
2019-05-02 08:48
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Entered by: Jim Fulner
Great Story, thanks!
2019-05-01 15:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
Until people realize that they don't need to be represented in court, either by themselves or by an attorney, things will never change. When you are present in court, not represented, the whole operation changes. You get to face your accuser, require him to present the harm or damage you did, introduce evidence and witnesses, all of which you get to "cross examine" for validity. If the State is your accuser, they can't even take the oath and get on the stand. The State is only paperwork. You win by default. Common law court of record.
2019-05-01 13:32
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Until an attorney can bring forth evidence that the so called "Constitution" and the so called "laws" that result from the "Constitution" apply to someone, attorneys will continue to be worthless.
2019-04-27 10:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Looks like we're going to have to mount anti-OSCaR armament on communications cubesats just to make sure they keep the Internet working.
2019-04-22 07:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
People are starting to realize that it is the politicians who are the REAL comedians.
2019-04-22 05:49
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Entered by: PureTrust
What about extra gravity? Imagine if you could gradually increase the gravity to double, over a period of months, or a couple of years. Think of how strong you would be on Earth for a week or a month, until the extra-gravity effects wore off. Of course, we could do this on Earth, right now, with giant centrifuges. Perhaps it has been done, or is being done.
2019-04-21 12:23
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Entered by: PureTrust
The point to remember here is that the members of the State also die. What is freedom? Freedom never saves you from death. At best, it might extend your life for a time. And what's the benefit of that? The benefit of extended life is, more time to be saved for eternal life, and, more time to bring others to salvation. What salvation? Eternal life found in Jesus Christ. All people die. But only those who are found to be believers in Jesus will rise to eternal life in joy and goodness with God. In fact, those are the only two reasons why this life exists since sin came into the world. If God wasn't interested in salvation for as many as are willing to accept Him and it, this whole thing would have been done, crashed right at the time of the first sin.
2019-04-21 04:18
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Entered by: Anonymous
The unhonorable Dennis Allen Rolf will be punished by the people for all his evil deeds. First of all he should have been fired in 2003 for hitting a person/car with his vehicle and leaving the scene. In and out of rehab as a drunk and who knows what other drugs, no wonder he looks so old but before he heads to hell for his corrupt ways he needs to be locked up in prison so he can harm no one else
2019-04-19 21:54
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Who knew that measles was as deadly as a house fire?
2019-04-19 11:27
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Entered by: Anonymous
It is indeed likely that GoyimBanc, eh - I mean "Bank of America" will "go to Hell". Ironically, preachers like Anderson will be there too if the Scriptures clue us in:
2019-04-18 04:19
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Entered by: Anonymous
Yes you are right and as per my knowledge am always using flight service and it's very cheap from others.
2019-04-17 17:58
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Entered by: Chip Saunders
I call BS on this,...and I can,...because I have been dead. I had a cardiac fibrilation,...similar to a heart attack but different,...wherein my heart stopped and I lost consciousness. I was dead. Fortunately, I had implanted in me, for just such an eventuality, a pacemaker/defibrilator that sensed my heart had stopped and shocked me back. I never felt a thing, and was not entirely sure I had passed out. I had simply gone black. Nothingness. I was only aware of what occurred 3 weeks later at my scheduled cardiologist appointment, when they did their routine diagnostic interogation of my implant to verify everything was ok. The database listed what had occurred. All I knew is that I was sitting on the couch and suddenly felt very tired and my vision dimmed. At an unknown time later, I was awake again, not knowing I had been clinically dead.
2019-04-17 06:50
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Entered by: PureTrust
Evidence shows that Venus, Mars, and Earth all crossed the orbits of each other in the distant past. So, if there is evidence of past life on Mars, we can't be sure that it didn't come from Earth -
2019-04-16 14:06
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Entered by: chris gill
S&W troubles had little to do with the smart gun tech but the selling of the corporate soul to the Clinton anti gun criminal racket
2019-04-16 14:05
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Entered by: chris gill
S&W troubles had little to do with the smart gun tech but the selling of the corporate soul to the Clinton anti gun criminal racket
2019-04-16 10:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
All this talk only serves to hide the real defense. In the States, you have the right to a common law trial in a court of record, a trial by jury. Drop the attorney. You don't need him. Simply require that your accuser take the oath/affirmation, get on the stand, and testify to how you harmed him, show the harm, and prove it was you. You have the right to face your accuser and cross examine him. On the indictment, your accuser is somebody named THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Will this guy ever take the oath/affirmation and get on the stand and speak "viva voce" into the record? Government lost from the start. Why do we keep on preaching politics without this simple answer? But if we expand this answer, we can take down all the tyrants in government. The only bad part is that all the small-media complainers won't have anything to complain about any longer.
2019-04-16 09:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
Yabut, is the stuff in this video for real? -
2019-04-16 07:54
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Entered by: PureTrust
Here is the reason why Assange and Wikileaks are being tormented. THEY ARE ONLY THE TINY TIP OF THE ICEBERG. How do we know? We see it in science, in There are so countless many ways to manipulate materials and energies to discover new sciences, that we are only at the beginning of what can be made to exist. In a similar way, Assange and Wikileaks are simply the beginnings of what can be found out about worldwide covert operations.
2019-04-16 07:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ron Wyatt figured most of this stuff out decades ago.
2019-04-16 06:19
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Entered by: thecoinrepublic
Over $40,000 of Bitcoin donations has flowed in for Wikileaks, Amid Assange’s Arrest Source:
2019-04-16 02:29
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Entered by: Ed Martin
The only people who don't know that politicians/government have/has no integrity are less than 6 years old or are insane. If you hate people, enjoy violating them, and want to get paid for doing it, who do you work for?
2019-04-15 07:03
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Entered by: Ed Martin
If hate people, enjoy violating them, and want to get paid for doing it, who do you work for?