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Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

The glue is safe, but the use of it not. Unless the glued meat product is cooked completely through,...something few people do,...bacteria on the surface of the glued pieces (now deep inside and untouched by the temps needed to kill them) is able to be ingested, and then harm you. 

If you are the person who glues the product together, then you likely know this risk and can deal with it.


But many glued meat products are sold to unknowing consumers, who believe it can be safely cooked rare and then consumed without risk,...WHICH IS UNTRUE!!!


Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Chip, you are a breath of sanity an otherwise crazy world. 

I laughed when I posted an article about the conference last week.  I knew they were doing this with the ham I liked, and pretty much all the others that don't have a bone through them...not that that would stop them from getting rid of a bone.  Just didn't know the particulars until now.  Mmmmm, meat glue.

Comment by Rod Souza
Entered on:

Funny how the terminology  changed from "Pink Slime" to "Meat Glue"

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