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Comment by D S
Entered on:

From my experience talking to people who are for closing the borders and not giving foreigners amnesty are just racists in disguise. Does Frosty Wooldridge hate brown people? Sounds like it to me. Again withe the fear, fear, FEAR!!! And no meaningful solutions. I'm disgusted by reading this crap on a pro-freedom, pro-liberty website like Freedom's Phoenix. -davkiz

Comment by Ross Wolf
Entered on:

The following numbers are subject to change, and the Recession is having an effect on immigration.

If you go to cis you can get all sorts of numbers:
According to the Department of Homeland Security, nearly 60% of illegal aliens are from Mexico and 80% of the total are from Latin America as a whole. A Center for Immigration Studies analysis of 2006 Census Bureau data, which includes legal and illegal immigrants, shows use of welfare by households headed by Mexican and Latin American immigrants is more than double that of native households. Among the findings:

51% of all Mexican immigrant households use at least one major welfare program and 28% use more than one program.

40% use food assistance, 35% use Medicaid, 6% use cash assistance.

45% of all Latin American immigrant households use at least one welfare program and 24% use more than one program.

32% use food assistance, 31% use Medicaid, 6% use cash assistance.
20% of native households use at least one welfare program and 11% multiple programs.

Comment by D S
Entered on:

@Ross So isn't what you're trying to say, Ross, is that welfare, medicaid, food assistance, and all other government assistance should be eliminated for everybody? That would be the only way to get rid of the overspending problem in govt; you don't have an immigration problem, you have a spending problem. --down with racism -davkiz

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