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Written by Subject: Just For Fun!
Letter to Ernest from Donna:
Hard to believe that Ernest is officially 50 now - he seems so young at heart and has the energy of a two year old. And, at such a 'young' age, he has made this world a better place by advocating freedom for everyone. Sometimes it is hard to know what kind of effect you are having and if it all worth the effort of trying to free minds, and then you get an awesome email, letter, phone call, etc... of someone who has been reading the articles on FreedomsPhoenix and/or listening to the radio shows (Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock), or heard Ernest speak at some event and that has inspired them to teach others about liberty and freedom. And that is when you know you have to carry on because then you know you are influencing many people who pick up the torch of liberty and spread it to as many people in their community as they are able.

SO THANK YOU, ERNEST, FOR ALL OF THE HARD WORK THAT YOU DO. Most of you may never know the intensity of a man such as Ernest, or the thought that goes into everything he does, but I recognize that he has a special gift of communicate to others what he has the ability to foresee and to find the truth, no matter how unpleasant, and to share with others what he knows so that they will be aware of what is going on.
Here are some pictures from Ernest's birthday party from this past Saturday. It was a GREAT time and I want to thank all of you who made the effort to attend and to be a part of our lives.
The Day Crowd:
The most popular event seemed to be the tomahawk and knife throwing, and a dart blow gun:

Even Ernie's animals were there...

The night crowd...

Ernest with long-time libertarian activist and friend, Michael Kielsky...

Thomas and Gwen...

Some of the family members left to right: Sierra (daughter), Kyle (family friend), Veronica (son's girlfriend), and Forest (son)

And, yes, Ernest (pictured here with Gwen) did some Karaoke...

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, baby! I hope you have a great day!
If you wish to send Ernest a birthday wish, please do so here in the comments, or by email at
All my LOV3...

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by George Andonyan
Entered on:

Was happy to have the privilege to celebrate up close and personal with you, your family, and close friends - Hope you had a blast. And many more!  You guys rock!

Comment by JustinTyme
Entered on:

Happy Birthday, "old man"! ;-)

Now you're as old as I am for a few days at least...  Then I'll be older again.  Damn.

Best wishes and congrats on the new homestead. 
