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Wiping Israel off the map...blah blah blah

Written by Subject: Israel

This video explains the scam.


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:

Why don't you tell us what is REALLY on your mind, Sharon? ;-) BTW, please contact me when possible. I do appreciate you keeping my back, your input and your tenacity. Your a pistol and should be proud of it!

Comment by Sharon Jarvis
Entered on:

4409 is an obsessive lying slime.  Amadinejad also says the Holocaust didn't happen and that no Jews died in the WTC collapse because they were "warned" to stay away.  He claims 3,000 people couldn't have died because their names aren't listed anywhere--yet you an go to various web sites and find them, and there are plenty of Jews among the dead.  4409, if I believed in Hell, you should rot there.

Comment by Mike Renzulli
Entered on:

Right! And Ahmadinejad said there was no evidence that the death toll at New York's World Trade Center, destroyed in the attacks was as high as reported, huh?

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