Article Image Helping themselves to your labor since 1913.


A handout for Tax Day, April 15<sup>th</sup>

Written by Subject: TAXES: Federal
Also, remember back to the good old days when you got your first paycheck.  Remember it was a lot less money than you were expecting.  Taxes and who the heck was this FICA dude, and what is he doing with some of my money!  Well,  meet Mrs. FICA,... and she likes to shop: 
Mrs. FICA 
artist: unknown 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:
Powell, I like the way you think.

After printing up and distributing your article "The revolution isn't over until I say it's over!" at the First Fridays Artwalk this past Friday, I am thrilled to see your latest wordsmithing, and I will be putting it up for review by the R3VOLUTION. If selected (which I think it has a good chance) we will be printing up 2000 copies, and handing them out with the DVD's of 'Freedom to Fascism' we made at Post Offices around the Valley this Tuesday.

Let's keep their 'feet to the fire'!

Ed Vallejo,
Ron Paul for President - Phoenix Meetup Group