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Who are my Representatives whom I am to hold responsible? By C.D. Tavarez

Written by Subject: Voting and Elections
By C.D. Tavarez

Libertarian Harry Browne wrote an entire book called "Why Government Doesn't Work." In case you still aren't convinced that he was right, here's a great example.

Say you are a new resident of Arizona, or even an old resident who just doesn't pay that much attention to politics. You want to contact your state representative or senator about an issue important to you.

First, though, you have to find out who that is. How do you do it? The obvious place to look would be on the government website wouldn't it? I mean, if the government can't tell you who your government representatives are, who can?

So after a few clicks on the state legislature's website, you arrive at: -- "How do I find or contact my legislators?" One more click ("find the legislative district you live in") takes you to a map drawn by the state Redistricting Committee: a map with no identifiable cities, counties, or roads -- just an amorphous conglomeration of political districts, each outlined in green. Here, you are asked for a street address and ZIP code.

For fun, type in an address that is NOT in one of the big cities. For example, "23225 S Highway 89, 85362." You will be blessed with the response, "Unable to find address, but zoomed to zip code." Below that is large, white square with the numbers 2 and 4, separated by a green boundary squiggle. Again, no roads, city limits, or anything else. Does this give you a warm feeling?

Contrast this with the simple interface provided by the lobbyists of the Center for Arizona Policy at: Enter a ZIP Plus 4: 85362-2215. (Try this at the redistricting website and you will be admonished to "enter only numbers in the ZIP code field." How old is ZIP Plus 4 again?) Immediately, you receive an unambiguous response: "Your Congressional District is 1. Your State Legislative District is 4."

That's too straightforward for a government information website, I suppose. But aren't the green squiggles artistic?


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1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Just more proof that a Cop dosn`t care if it`s right,wrong,Constitutional,Unconstitutional,moral,or not....just tell them to do it,and he/she will,and then go home and hug their children,and tell them that they love them.

Where do they get these Cops? Where do they find so many empty brains that will do ANYTHING they are told....they even Hand Cuff 1st graders,why? because they were told to.

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