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Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

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Article Image by Nathan Worcester

As gas prices continue to break records, the Biden administration's cancellation of two lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and one lease sale in Alaska's Cook Inlet has drawn clashing responses, including an accusation that the administration is

Article Image, by Ted Snider

Your friend is taking a taxi to a job. It's too big a job for him, so you offer to go along to help. You pay the fare and bring along the right tools for him to use.

Article Image - Lew Rockwell

Do we have to quarrel with China at all? Why can't we have peaceful, friendly relations with China? The warmongers say otherwise; let's look at some of their so-called "arguments."

Article Image by Moon of Alabama

The geniuses (not) at the National Security Council want to goad Russia into direct attacks on U.S. forces or interests. That would give the U.S. an excuse to further escalate the war in Ukraine into an open confrontation.

Article Image

Biden has been lying to the public since he entered his political career decades ago. Yet, he allegedly received more votes than any US president in history. Trust no one.
