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Article Image, Julia Elhaj

"In a pivotal moment, Senator Rand Paul questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci, exposing a stark contradiction between Fauci's past statements and his current stance on immunology..."

Article Image, by Beth Brelje

The use of deadly force was legal and justified in the March 19 early morning fatal shooting of Bryan Malinowski by federal agents in his West Little Rock, Arkansas, home, according to Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones, who said in a June 14 lette

Article Image, by Jeffrey Tucker

For The New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020, with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic, it's been a drip, drip, drip of truthiness ever since.

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

While President Joe Biden has repeatedly insisted he has nothing to do with his family's business dealings - going so far as to say he's never so much as discussed them with relatives, a new report from Politico completely destroys that lie.