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Word about Ivermectin is spreading in Australia, so much so that our Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, and "news" outlets felt the need to fire shots across the bow. As predicted the drug was labeled as a horse dewormer used by fringe people and

Article Image by Jon Rappoport

7News Brisbane, 8/21: "A man has ridden his horse through today's protest at the Queensland-New South Wales border, encouraging crowds to cross through checkpoints. 'Cross over! They cannot arrest all of us!'"

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

This week on the New World Next Week: the FDA approves Comirnaty; even Nature is reporting how health research funders are suppressing inconvenient results; and Aussie truckies are preparing to block every highway in anti-lockdown strike.

Article Image, By NICOLE DOUGLAS

Why the rush, Natalie? Portman flees Sydney days before new draconian lockdown laws are enforced - after abruptly dropping out of new movie for 'personal reasons'

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

A mere few months ago any mention in public discourse of Covid passports was written off by the mainstream media as but the ravings of "conspiracy theorists" consigned to remote corners of the internet making supposedly far-fetched slippery slope arg
