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Article Image by Tyler Durden Inc. has been granted a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) waiver to use radar to monitor people's sleep. The FCC approval document, published last Friday, described a device to include a "radar sensor" for "contactless sleep trac

Article Image, Jason Plautz

In a massive handout, Technocrat lobbyists and those within the FCC are orchestrating payment of taxpayer funds to wireless carriers to install 5G into rural areas. One application is for 'precision agriculture.' ? TN Editor

Article Image, By Chris Teale

Cities are the losers as giant telecom companies grab real estate for high density 5G towers. That the FCC would deny cities' rights to control their own destiny is patently unconstitutional and likely illegal as well, but the lobby steamroller cou

Article Image by Brian Wang

SpaceX has submitted requests to add 30,000 satellites for Starlink 3.0. They had 20 filings to the ITU (International Telecommunications for 1,500 satellites apiece in various low Earth orbits. SpaceX had originally filed for an initial Starlink net

Article Image

Brace for Re-entry to the World of Deep Capture In the years surrounding the 2008 financial crisis, this small site you are visiting had quite a following. As is noted in the header,...

Article Image, ZeroHedge

The greatest health hazards of cellphone use are related to the effects on bio chemistry, immune-system response, and DNA replication in humans. Nevertheless, current safety guidelines for the massive roll out of 5G are based on a 1996 study of the e