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IPFS News Link • FCC

FCC Authorizes Carriers to Block Robocalls by Default But Now You Still Need to Request It

•, Brian Wang

T-Mobile charges $4 per month to get telemarketer and survey calls sent to voicemail. They do provide free protection against pure scam calls but only if you request it.

Americans got more than 5 billion robocalls over month which is about 16 for every man, woman and child.

There is a free app called YouMail, which provides superior screening than what is provided by the carriers.

AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon offer free services that monitor network activity and use crowdsourced reports to block suspected fraudulent calls. The monitoring services are outsourced to Hiya, First Orion and TNS.

If you are on AT&T. Download an app called AT&T Call Protect. A free level of service will label suspected spammers and gives you the option to automatically block calls that are a fraud risk. You have to pay $4 per month to block telemarketers, political calls and surveys.

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