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Trump Administration

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Rumors are buzzing that President-elect Trump plans a big overhaul of the CIA and the intelligence community in general. Will he? Can he? And what might it look like when he's done?

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When President Obama expelled Russian diplomats over the hysterical and unproven accusation of "hacking the election" on December 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to be drawn into a petty squabble, saying he would delay any response u

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President-elect Trump has already gotten tough with three US manufacturing giants, warning that there will be financial penalties for building plants abroad. Will strong-arming these companies succeed in bringing jobs back home?

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In retaliation for the hacking of John Podesta and the DNC, Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and ordered the closure of their country houses on Long Island and Maryland's Eastern shore.

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Happy New Year, everyone! Remember 2016? Remember Brexit? And Pokemon Go? And the (s)election circus? And the Russian propaganda hype?

Article Image, Tyler Durden

A memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which was recently reviewed by Reuters, suggest that the Trump administration plans to hit the ground running on the construction of that U.S.-Mexico border wall when they move into the White House lat

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Trump just can't seem to lose today. The President-elect scored two early victories with Ford announcing plans to keep a plant in the United States, a move they described as a "vote of confidence" in Trump, and the announcement that his nemesis at F

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Trump - is part of an outrageous campaign to impeach Trump straightaway once inaugurated. A previous article explained is a for-profit enterprise, not an NGO - deceiving supporters by using the .org domain suffix, not .com as it should.

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