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Trump Administration

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Pool Feed of Trump Tower Lobby The press area pool feed was shown from the Trump Tower lobby as officials and family members arrived for meetings with President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team.

Article Image by Ray McGovern

President-elect Donald Trump's selection of Kansas Congressman Mike Pompeo, an open aficionado of torture practices used in the "war on terror," to be CIA director shows that Trump was serious when he said he would support "waterboarding and

Article Image by Lux Alptraum

In the lead up to the election, I was fairly certain that two outcomes were probable: Hillary Clinton would be elected president, and Prop 60--the California "condoms in porn" ballot initiative decried by adult industry members as anti-porn zeal

Article Image by Gustavo Arellano

Dear Mexican: Math problem: If there are 20 Mexicans, 20 Indians, 20 Chinese, 20 Puerto Ricans, 20 Blacks, and one white person on a room, then how many people are there in the room who's identity is used as a benchmark to establish the identities

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In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about President Elect Donald Trump and what drove him to power. As Trump is picking his cabinet and advirors we are already seeing major geo politiical shifts all around the world before his inguaration. But there a

Article Image by Don Emmert

US President-elect Donald Trump interviewed potential cabinet members at his New Jersey golf club for a second day Sunday, and signaled he may have found a defense chief in James "Mad Dog" Mattis, praising the retired military commander as a "true ge
