Contents Pages by Subject

Economic Theory

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Let's put this to rest right now: bills and debt ceiling. [Yields] don't fall for debt ceiling, they rise when [money market funds] get nervous. In '11, collateral squeeze pushed [yields] down to near zero. Then debt ceiling in July rates bri

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It is widely held that a growing economy requires a growing money stock because economic growth increases demand for money. Many economists also believe that failing to accommodate the increase in the demand for money leads to a decline in consumer p

Article Image by Timothy Gieseke

We talk about [the love of] Money being the root [of evil] but we seldom talk of the root of the Money. That is where the energy lies, it is where an economic system gets its force.

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Researchers find they (well, we) have accounted for more than half the population increase in "close-in" urban neighborhoods in the country's largest metro areas since 2010, and they credit our migration (and our taxes) with accelerating urban

Article Image, By eric

The "Federal" Reserve ?" in the usual air-finger-quotes, to emphasize the maliciously disingenuous verbiage, the "Fed" being a conglomeration of private banks that controls the federal government and so, practically everything else, via the

Article Image, By Alasdair Macleod

This article looks at the factors behind the growing rejection of the dollar for trade settlement purposes by non-aligned nations around the world. They no longer fear political or economic reprisals from America.

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The ability of unaccountable multinational corporations to own everything, from farmland to houses, from transportation and phone lines, to the internet and media, is rarely questioned, and an alternative system is never suggested by any public intel