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United Kingdom

Article Image By Del Bigtree

Flying in the face of rational science, responsible public health policy and ethical principles, European governments are requiring vaccine passports to function in society and for healthcare workers. Like an echo, populations have responded almost i

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

Very bad news for those who still care about freedom of the press and what the fate of Julian Assange means for the artifact-First Amendment added to the US Constitution 240 years ago.

Article Image

Ice Age Farmer -

The UK is now experiencing "rolling brownouts of food supply," as advisors warn there may be "food riots" in the weeks ahead as food prices escalate to unaffordable levels and shelves are emptied. This is coming soon to the USA and Europe. In the "ne

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Binance, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, was banned on Sunday from any regulated activities in the UK when Britain's financial watchdog the Financial Conduct Authority imposed stringent requirements against Binance, a sprawling d