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Korea/North Korea

Article Image, by Justin Raimondo

Mohammed bin Salman, the phony "reformer" - and Kim Jong-un, the real thing

Article Image


A much different time indeed. While North Korea is still a nuclear weapons state that may be producing five to eight bombs per year, the dynamic between Washington and Pyongyang this year is markedly more upbeat. American policy remains unchanged ?

Article Image, by Eric Margolis

Springtime in Korea. Peace and love have erupted all over the mountainous peninsula as the leaders of the two rival nations seek to end the nearly seven decades of hostility between them.

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

ust when you think that the U.S. national-security state's policy toward Korea can't get more perverse, it does. The latest perversion?

Article Image, by Justin Raimondo

The media continues to get the President's North Korean peace initiative all wrong: in some cases this is due to laziness, Washington-centric group-think, and just plain ignorance. In other cases, it is quite deliberate.
