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THE DREAM POND. Honored to work with @Ed The Pond Professor, @TEAM Aquascape, and some fantastic local Aquascapes contractors on this EPIC project. Much more to come with the garden pond, including aquatic plants, riparian edibles like watercress, ta

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Natural News - Zoey Sky

Gardening is a work-intensive practice, but one that is worth all the hard work and time you invest in it. After all, who is going to say no to a hobby that gives you a workout and yields the literal fruits (and vegetables) of your labor?

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Here's a notable aquaponics story this Thirst-day. A 13-year-old girl from north of Pretoria, South Africa runs a promising aquaponics startup while still in school as shown in this inspiring video from October, 2015. On the Expresso Show.

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