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Ron Paul talks all the time about reaching out and inspiring young people and I know why now beyond the obvious future political reasons. It just plain feels good to change young people's lives.

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"The #1 responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow. This is of greater importance than working on changing the government; that is secondary to promoting a virtuous society..."

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We are living in an age of ubiquitous, unopposed, unacknowledged evil, and we few fringe radicals who see systemic violence for what it truly is are in a unique position to engage in some much needed heroism.

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Earlier this month I returned home from Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. They say the sign of a successful pilgrimage is that your life changes. Well, I got that in spades, as I’ll explain.

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If only I could inspire Patrick Henry to participate in that Philadelphia convention, he could have saved our country by preserving the Articles of Confederation. That is a missed opportunity that I will always regret.

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Monetary policy remains in the hands of money-printing Keynesians like Ben Bernanke, while Americans were forced to choose between the two Keynesian presidential candidates – Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Yet in China, policy-makers have begun welcom

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When I look back throughout the pivotal moments in my life, they were without a doubt inspired by some amazing individuals, ideas, and even unexplainable forces.