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American History

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Becky Chandler

February 17 is the anniversary of the official end of the worthless, destructive and unnecessary War of 1812, which was a product of the treasonous betrayal by the Jeffersonian Republicans of their anti-federalist principles, and the total defeat of

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Stupidity is by far the greatest destructive force in the world. Einstein said the universe and stupidity are infinite, but how do you identify stupidity when you see it? How do you separate it from other possible explanations like ignorance, mental

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Life's Little Mysteries

The idea of resetting clocks forward an hour in the spring and back an hour in the fall was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light," published in April 1784, as a way to save electricity.

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Come down to the Freedom's Phoenix Workshop Friday Sept. 24th 7pm and learn some things you've probably never heard about the the history of the state of Arizona and much of the American continent. Mr. Tom Denny says there are many facts that li