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Stripped bare, Trump sidesteps having to argue his position by using common rhetorical devices instead. While persuasive (after all, he has millions of supporters), these arguments tend to be without substance and well ... bad. See, not all argu

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The current news cycle is monopolized by two narratives. In one, Trump supporters are cheering the great and promising future. In the other, oppositional progressives are screeching about how hateful and daft he and his supporters are. But in the mid

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The problem with liberals is that they want all the advantages of racial politics and none of the detriments. They have succeeded in weaponizing entire racial groups, but when they find that they have inadvertently weaponized the ones who vote the ot

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In the process, I journeyed from high-tax, collectivist New England to rural Arizona and Nevada, where I learned firsthand about Americans who make their living farming, ranching, mining and cutting timber - or used to, before Washington City decid

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In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about President Elect Donald Trump and what drove him to power. As Trump is picking his cabinet and advirors we are already seeing major geo politiical shifts all around the world before his inguaration. But there a

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When Hillary Clinton delivered a campaign post-mortem to her major supporters in a telephone conference call late last week, she blamed her loss in the presidential election on FBI Director James Comey.