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Washington Post

There is an uneasy silence in the dark chow tent. In a few months, the U.S. Army will bulldoze its portion of the base, part of America’s slow withdrawal of combat forces from Afghanistan. All that will remain here in this isolated place is a small A

Article Image, By John Dear S.J.

If you looked carefully at the news last week, you might have heard a report from Afghanistan about how the U.S./NATO forces bombed and killed eight Afghan women who were out walking in the mountains early in the morning before dawn to collect wood.

Article Image By Michael Glackin

The British foreign secretary, William Hague, insisted on Tuesday that NATO’s sudden decision to suspend joint patrols with Afghan forces will have a “minimal” impact on Western actions in Afghanistan.

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Lew Rockwell blog

As President Karzai indicated, one of the most vexing difficulties is that---unlike America---the Afghan constitutional system has no provisions allowing the indefinite detention of prisoners without trial or charges. Efforts are being made to clear