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Article Image, Margaret Griffis

Militants continued their siege of Mosul today and also attack a university in Ramadi. Later in the day, Baghdad suffered from a series of bombings. Overall, at least 184 people were killed and 183 were wounded.

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Next News Network

The bodies of 800 babies have been discovered buried in a septic tank in Ireland. The grisly discovery was made at at a home for unwed mothers in Yuam, located in Galway County. Saint Mary's Mother and Baby Home was operated by Bon Secours nuns b

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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Lew Rockwell blog

George was best known for his refusal to answer in 1951, to the Illinois state bar examiners, whether he was a member of the Communist Party. Anyone who knew him knew he was about as far removed from being a communist as

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Lew Rockwell blog

The great John Judge has died. John was one of the most dedicated and tenacious researchers of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and of the fascistic implications of the coup d’état by Lyndon Baines Johnson and the top tier of th

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Next News Network

WASHINGTON - The attorney for the family of a Connecticut woman killed by police on Capitol Hill six months ago says her autopsy found she was shot 5 times from behind. And this includes a shot to the back of the head. Miriam Carey, a 34-year-old den

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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He said the families of those on board have been informed of this “heartbreaking” news about the ill-fated Boeing 777 that vanished March 8 with 239 passengers and crew on board. He did not take questions from reporters after delivering his remarks.

Article Image, dwalters

It seems that people have forgotten that it is likely elements of the terrorist organization, dubbed the United States Central Government, murdered journalist Michael Hastings.

Article Image, by mingeem

I must have been sitting in the bathtub for hours. Condensation was building on the barrel of the Ruger .45 automatic that is shoved in my mouth. A trash bag is placed over my head with my arms through the drawstrings so my brains do not splatter aga
