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How To

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In this video we show how to make skulls out of plastic milk jugs. Using a bucky skull as a model. The bucky skull can be found for purchase on E bay and Amazon. The bucky skulls are made of a hard , thick plastic. I also use a resin and ceramic skul

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Off Grit -

Over the last couple years I have experimented with multiple ways to build. in this video I show you my new system to fill sandbags quickly. It has taken me a while to perfect this but I've gotten it down to a science. Everything you need is in this

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Organic Prepper - Daisy Luther

Storing fuel isn't as easy as some folks make it sound. Store it wrong and the results could be catastrophic. Here's what you need to know from a former fuel industry engineer.

Article Image by HAXMAN

Warning! Secret plumber info in this video. After failing to install the well water filtration system on our home I have totally redeemed myself by replacing the well bladder tank without proper supervision. And it totally works. It's well-tank repla

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SPT Laser

This device was specially developed to remove the hangings on the power grid system which could cause power off in storming weather. Normally, in the street, you can see the people getting off the hangings or cutting off the tree branches with bucket