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Doubleheader today -- what to make of the off-again, on-again Russian use of an Iranian base to bomb ISIS in Syria and Ron Paul's reaction to reports that the Federal Reserve is drawing up plans for another $4 trillion injection of cash via quantitat

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Economics is far simpler than most in academics or government would have you believe. To make accurate predictions all you really need is an honest appreciation of the self-interest that is at the heart of free market transactions and an ability to u

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In the video below, Funny or Die pokes fun at Monsanto's "feeding the world" message by highlighting some of the most obvious features of genetically engineered (GE) foods, such as the unnatural crossing of genetic material between plant and an

Article Image SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News

Trump Visit to Louisiana Disaster Area Panned by Dems GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's visit to flood ravaged areas of Louisiana was panned by Presidential Press Secretary Josh Earnest as "a virtual usurpation of President Obama's prero

Article Image - Karen Kwiatkowski

So, after getting up late, groggy, and feeling overworked even before I started, I read this article. Just after, I had to feed a dozen cats and dogs, each dog in a separate room out of respect for their territorialism and aggressive desire to consu

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For at least a half-century, and demonstrably and palpably since 1972 (and perhaps since November 22, 1963), the American public, first the fringes and then the majority, has become disillusioned with the national government and apathetic or cynical

Article Image, by Mike Adams

U.S. presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz went all-in for Monsanto on the campaign trail in Iowa, parroting Monsanto's propaganda by proclaiming that GMOs are feeding the world while insulting health-conscious consumers by equating suppo

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

The latest hack revealed over the weekend has nothing to do with the Democratic Party or George Soros, and instead a mysterious hacker group by the name "The Shadow Brokers" claims to have hacked the Equation Group - a government cyberattack hack