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Climate Change

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The G7 this week committed to deal with greenhouse gas emissions on a similar timetable to the colonization of Mars. The group of leading developed countries solemnly pledged to "decarbonize" the world by 2100, thus kicking the can not so much do

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President Obama, Al Gore and other alarmists continue to prophesy manmade global warming crises, brought on by our "unsustainable" reliance on fossil fuels.

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Enlightenment visits Rome today and tomorrow. At least, that's how the Heartland Institute bills it. This week we'll see a match between the Voices of Climate Change Denial and Pope Francis, spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics and a big guy

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I am skeptical humans are the main cause of climate change and that it will be catastrophic in the near future. There is no scientific proof of this hypothesis, yet we are told "the debate is over" and "the science is settled."