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Obama Administration

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He’s talking about printing a bunch of money and just spending it because government—I heard Obama talk about all the things that government is going to give us. The government is broke. The government can’t give us anything it doesn’t take

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Washington Post

[change] Barack Obama has picked John O. Brennan as his top adviser on counterterrorism, that will give the CIA veteran a powerful voice on the government's use of security contractors and on other sensitive issues in which he recently has played

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Gary North for

Before the hoped-for day of deliverance on January 20 at high noon, there is a two-month transition period. The dark night of the incumbent Administration is expected to recede in the brightness of a new dawn. (Not)

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Vice-president-elect Joe Biden likened the country’s economic crisis to the attacks of 9/11 Monday in a private meeting on Capitol Hill. “We’re at war,” Biden told congressional leaders of both parties during their sit-down with Barack Obama in th
