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IPFS News Link • Obama Administration

Obama's wearing Herbert Hoover's concrete booties

The only thing that still does interest me in this is that it's all a big headfake. Surging stock markets in the face of millions of 99'ers and various other unemployed and homeless, practically assured by now that their Christmas will consist of trying to find a spot in a manger if they can find one, begging for a few scraps of throw away food for their children, the thought of lights and presents and cheer long re-allocated to the place in their minds where memories reside, if they're lucky enough to have any such memories. And that's not all. What those GDP and consumer figures tell me more than anything is that some of us have access to the fake virtual money that mark-to-fantasy valuations create, and some do not. That's really the whole entire story. Another fake election between candidates who all have their campaigns financed by the exact same money sources, many of whom they pretend to oppose in their election rhetoric. Another fake effort, number what(?!), I lost count, in a long line of them, to allegedly "rejuvenate" a real economy that's long since been pushing up daisies, taking more money that could have helped the manger dwellers to a humane existence, and showering it upon the happy few who can get away with losing all their bets and still come back for more time and again.
