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Obama Administration

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Article Image, Bill Van Auken

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday issued a warning against anyone “attempting to exploit the misery of the Syrian people, either by sending in proxies or sending in terrorist fighters.”

Article Image, by Jason Ditz

After Afghan Foreign Ministry officials claimed that peace talks with the Taliban are “on track,” the Taliban was quick to issue a statement to reiterate that no talks have ever taken place with the Karzai government, and that the stalled US talks ha

Article Image, by Scott Creighton

As the UN Ceasefire Agreement in Syria reaches it’s forth day, the so-called “rebels” and “activists” are continuing their destabilization campaign now with the help of “non military aid” provided by the Obama administration and paychecks for the ter

Article Image, by Jason Ditz

With the P5+1 talks set to begin this weekend, the Obama Administration is already looking to their inevitable failure, and threatening more sanctions against Iran as soon as the talks end.