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Events: America

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In a bombshell confession, one of Alabama Senatorial candidate Roy Moore's accusers -- Beverly Young Nelson -- admitted during an ABC News interview that she forged a portion of the yearbook signature she presented as proof that Moore sexually as

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Al Franken resigning from the Senate, bitcoin skyrocketing to $19,000 U.S dollars, with even Venezuela getting into the crypto world creating their own currency to riv

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In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on empathy, and the ability to empathize which has been going down drastically in the west. We go over scientific studies regarding happiness looking at the science of em

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We're all taught the importance of correct grammar and spelling at school. But a new test by Playbuzz has left many adults stumped - despite it being designed for children aged between 11 and 12.

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Michael Moore is furious that President Donald Trump is getting things done, asserting that it's "utter denial" to claim otherwise. With Trump approaching his first anniversary of being in office, some commentators on both the left and right h

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Hundreds of millionaire NFL players followed Colin Kaepernick's lead and began disrespecting the American flag before each game this season -- and millions of fans have boycotted the league as a result.

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Remember Jewish American Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl? From the Journal's Oversees headquarters in India, Pearl traveled to Pakistan. On January 23, 2002, he was in Karachi Pakistan, on his way, or at least he thought, to interview Mus