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IPFS News Link • Islam-Islamic Affairs

MUSLIMS OF AMERICA Terrorist Camp Revealed in America


Remember Jewish American Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl? From the Journal's Oversees headquarters in India, Pearl traveled to Pakistan. On January 23, 2002, he was in Karachi Pakistan, on his way, or at least he thought, to interview Muslims of America (MOA) leader, Pakistani Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani. Instead, he was kidnapped by terrorists and nine days later beheaded on camera.

Wow – that's really old and disturbing news. You may ask – why remind us of this? I bring it up, not for Pearl, but rather to remind us who Gilani is and why he is still pertinent today.

Gilani is the leader of the Pakistani "Muslims of the Americas" (MOA), who operate 22 isolated "Islamic Villages" throughout the United States. They are Sharia-only enclaves, some heavily armed and all are hostile to the American way of life, and where severe beatings of young boys occur "for minor infractions of sharia law, such as watching an American children's show without approval."

In fact, the Pakistani terror group Jamaat ul-Fuqra merely rebranded itself as "Muslims of the Americas" to make itself sound more palatable.

And there's no need to take my word for it. In Fuqra's 1994 book, "'Target Islam: Exposing the Malicious Conspiracy of the Zionists Against the World of Islam and Prominent Muslim Leaders,' it explains that its establishment of 'villages' in the U.S. since 1980 is part of a jihad against a Satanic-Jewish-Communist conspiracy that puppeteers the U.S. government."

They say that their American headquarters is a compound, known as Islamberg. It is a 70-acre compound set deep in the woods near Hancock, N.Y. For years Islamberg, which has about 250 "residents," has operated under the radar.