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Article Image, by Elizabeth Howell

The year 2013 marked an incredible one for spaceflight, with space agencies around the world making giant leaps in their own exploration of the solar system, while NASA welcomed the addition of a new commercial cargo ship to its list of supplies for

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A wealthy Chinese businessman and philanthropist known for his zany public stunts said on Tuesday that he was leading a group of investors seeking to acquire a large or controlling stake in The New York Times Company.

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While the US consumer is rushing to spend what little savings they have left and grab that last for 2013 "X% off" deal from the local inventory-clearance bin on plastic Made in China trinkets or marked-down clothing, Chinese consumers are likewise sc

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China move calms credit concerns ... Chinese authorities have been trying to curb excessive lending ... China's central bank has pumped $5bn (£3.1bn) into the banking system to ease concerns over a credit squeeze that has caused rising interest rates

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The six energy-rich Arab monarchies of the Gulf are seeking to strengthen ties with China, Gulf Cooperation Council chief Abdullatif al-Zayani said Wednesday after talks with the Chinese foreign minister. Zayani held talks in Saudi Arabia with Chi

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One of the most dangerous international disputes that the United States could get dragged into has little importance to U.S. security – the disputes nations have over small islands (some really rocks rising out of the sea) in East Asia.

Article Image, Georgia Mom

We just received our copy of the movie Dragon Day - a new movie that went direct to DVD. The premise of the movie is that China comes to the USA to collect their debt, which we have defaulted on.

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In ordering the investigation, Xi has broken with an unwritten understanding that members of the Standing Committee will not be investigated after retirement. But Xi has yet to decide whether Zhou would be publicly prosecuted, pending completion o

Article Image, Ivan Eland.

One of the most dangerous international disputes that the United States could get dragged into has little importance to U.S. security -- the disputes nations have over small islands (some really rocks rising out of the sea) in East Asia.

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Having replaced savings with debt on both the national and individual levels, I think it’s well past time for Westerners to take a few lessons from our creditors in the East.