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European Union

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The European Council of the 17th and 18th March 2016 adopted a plan which aimed to solve the problems posed by the massive influx of migrants from Turkey [1]. 28 heads of state and government submitted to the demands of Ankara.

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The European Union has published a list of senior Syrian officials, including several government ministers, targeted by a latest round of sanctions as the death toll from a crackdown on an anti-government uprising continued to grow.

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The EU summit "deal" is noise; we knew going in there would be no "grand bargain" and there isn't. Britain said "stuff it" (rightly so) along with a few others; those who went along did so pretty much at gunpoint.

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Billionaire investor George Soros believes the euro bond market is facing a similar situation to the banking system in 2008 and wants the European Central Bank to step in to stop a self-fulfilling crisis of confidence. (Well Hell... if Soros says)