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Stephanie is passionate about helping women achieve their health goals, starting right in their kitchen. She started out with a website, then self-published a cookbook, and her business continues to grow and evolve. Read how she did it below…

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Thirty years after virtual-reality goggles and immersive virtual worlds made their debut, the technology finally seems poised for widespread use.

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Two students at the USA’s prestigious engineering and technology university MIT have raised $500,000 to conduct an experiment that will see every undergraduate handed $100 of the digital currency Bitcoin later this year.

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I attribute much of the rapid and diverse innovation that is going on to the empowerment people have found through their ability to collaborate worldwide with others who share similar goals, or fill skill gaps.

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I met the Richard and Suzanne Andrews at the PrepperFestAZ event this past month where they had a simple distillation unit making essential oils. Richard and Suzanne come in studio to do a live demonstration on how to make essential oils.

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Altairia International, creator of NEON Energy Drink (a safe, natural, and healthy alternative) has a business opportunity that uses Bitcoin and includes rewards for cell phone/utility bills, a mortgage bonus, Tesla car bonus, and Space Travel for to

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Many mistake my interest in Crypto-Currencies and a Distributed Communication Network as a specific advocacy for particular methods. Bitcoin (a crypto currency) and efforts like (encrypting all information and bypassing the DOD’s Interne

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The issue of freedom is the issue of production. Production is what we do. And until men and women are free to do it–without regulation, without permission, without being forced to denominate it in fake loans for future slavery, without having the

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Libertarians are raving about Dallas Buyers Club, and with good reason. One of our biggest frustrations is the near-universal tendency of human beings to form political opinions not through a rational examination of the facts and theories, but throug

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Simple Justice

Yulia Abair was new to the United States, having recently arrived from Russia and married an American. But she was determined to make something of herself, starting her own massage therapy business and studying nursing. Already, you no doubt get th

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