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Ever since the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, took place, memorials and statues of the great men of the Confederacy--along with the flags of the Confederacy--are being vandalized or taken down by municipal governments.

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On the heels of his worst week in office, during which his crude comments about race were widely perceived as defending racism and hatred -- comments that sent some of his natural domestic allies fleeing -- President Donald Trump could not bring hi

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Diamond and Silk join Stefan Molyneux to discuss the recent monetary challenges they have faced due to corporate opposition, the danger of race-baiting, and what the future holds for race relations in the United States of America.

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MSNBC has a serious race baiting problem. They are only making things worse in America, at a time when people need to calm down and stop getting worked up over things like statues and "cultural appropriation" and "white privilege." Subscribe

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Under the guise of "political correctness," cities (such as Baltimore, MD) are removing their Confederate monuments one-by-one and under cover of darkness.

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I'm a firm believer in the old adage "Actions speak louder than words." By that measure, many of those anti-bigotry protesters and mainstream pundits who are expressing outrage about recent events in Charlottesville are guilty of rank hypocrisy

Article Image, By Paul Gottfried

Looking at a French nationalist website Boulevard Voltaire this morning, I notice a repetition of the conventional American media account of what occurred in Charlottesville on Saturday.

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The political violence in Charlottesville yesterday was as predictable as it was futile. One person was killed and dozens badly injured, marking a new low in the political and cultural wars that are as heated as any time since in America since the 19

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Perhaps you've been following the lawsuit by Asians against Harvard and other universities for discriminating against Asians by holding them to far higher admission standards than blacks and Hispanics. Below is an article on a related issue at New Y