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Article Image, by Christina Sarich

While many pharmaceutical medications are disruptive to the overall functioning of the body, numerous herbs actually support the natural healing powers of our own bodies. Herbs can be so effective at healing that we are still using them even after th

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New York Post

Here comes the ObamaCare tax bill. The cost of President Obama’s massive health-care law will hit Americans in 2014 as new taxes pile up on their insurance premiums and on their income-tax bills.

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So when emigration “spiked,” 400 to 500 doctors were leaving Canada for the United States. There are more than 800,000 physicians in the United States right now, so I’m skeptical that every doctor knows one of those émigrés. But look closely at the t

Article Image, By Lindsay Mack, D.C.

The biggest deception there ever was in healthcare is that your body is incapable of achieving optimum health without modern medicine.

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USA Today

Dozens of current or former Russian diplomats and their spouses enjoyed luxury vacations and spent tens of thousands of dollars on concert tickets, fine clothing and helicopter rides as they lied about their incomes to get the U.S. government to pay

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About: Knock, knock, who’s there? Obamacare! This is no joke. Very soon your dinner may be interrupted by a representative from a new outreach campaign educating the public about the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it’s commonly known. “Commu

Article Image, Anmar Frangoul

When electrical line worker James Young lost both his arms in 2010 in a workplace accident, he had joined the long, grim list of those people who lose a limb – up to a million a year according to the World Health Organization.