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Six months after select states were granted the right to cultivate and test industrial hemp, Murray State's first crops, grown on behalf of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, are ready to be harvested and analyzed.

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Because of the changing times, interest in preserving food has grown as families become more and more concerned about providing healthy, delicious food for their families over the long haul. When you preserve food, you are maximizing the nutritional

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ely true. Recent analysis published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Servillo et al. 2013) found that several citrus plants, including lemons and oranges, contain N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (bu

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The fish in question is the Okanagan sockeye salmon. Never heard of it? You?re not alone. Although the rivers and lakes of the Okanagan Valley once ran silvery blue with this once-abundant inland fish, its numbers were decimated by a series of man-ma

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But contrary to popular belief, it is much more diverse. Africa has 47 countries, 2,000 languages or dialects, and 35 currencies. Most significantly, by 2050 one-fifth of the world population, or 2 billion people, will be African. These factors do ma

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When there is a likelihood of even small amounts of snow, sleet or ice, I move my car to the top of the hill that shelters my farm. If I need to run errands during such times, I just walk up the hill to it. The car is old, our drive is steep and clos

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Tonopah Rob

Tonopah Rob's Nature Grown Farm has the solution to the high prices box stores are charging for produce. Tonopah Rob's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. It doesn't matter whether you make a weekly, monthly or semi-monthly visit to the f

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Please remember these were far better woodsmen then compared to today's hunters. These men were hard, tough, and did not have the convenience of running down to the local grocery store for supplies. Even with all their hunting skills without the trap

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(NaturalNews) Grassroots activism against transgenic encroachment has paid off in Canada, where licenses for genetically modified (GM) alfalfa have been put on hold, according to new reports. Massive protests in Montreal, Levis, Quebec City, Toronto
